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伦敦大火 英国保守党和民主共和党协议推迟

A deal between Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party and British Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservatives could be delayed until next week after a fire in an apartment block in central London killed

A deal between Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party and British Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservatives could be delayed until next week after a fire in an apartment block in central London killed several people on Wednesday, the BBC reported.

Media had reported a deal, which would see the DUP support May's minority government, was on course to be announced on Wednesday.

The BBC said that would now not happen, a delay which could possibly postpone Brexit talks due to begin next week.

"Deal between DUP and government could be delayed until next week because of aftermath of #grenfelltower and diary commitments of both leaders," BBC political reporter Norman Smith said on Twitter.

伦敦大火 英国保守党和民主共和党协议推迟

Screenshot from Twitter

Smith also tweeted that "Delay to deal with DUP means likely postponement of Queens speech; and possibly Brexit talks."

(Source: Reuters)

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  • 保守党 共和党
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