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State of the Union 总统向国会发表的年度报告,中文大都译为国情咨文。美国政府的施政纲领,主要阐明美国总统每年面临的国内外情况,以及政府将要采取的政策措施。按照美国惯例,每年年初,现任总统都要在国会做年度报告,阐述政府

State of the Union 总统向国会发表的年度报告,中文大都译为“国情咨文”。







Washington (CNN)——Putting aside a sudden crisis with Iran, president Barack Obama on Tuesday urged Americans in his final state of the Union address to reject the politics of tribalism and fear that have rocked the campaign to find his successor and to build a "clear-eyed, big-hearted" and "optimistic" nation.

Delivering his annual report to the nation, Obama did not name Republican 2016 candidates. But he took clear, implied shots at them nevertheless, particularly front-runner Donald Trump, as well as Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. America's destiny, the President said, was imperiled by a political system festering in malice, gridlock and in the grip of the rich and the powerful.

Obama also took on critics who accuse him of weakening American power abroad and Republicans who say he is underplaying the threat from radical Islamist groups such as ISIS. He mocked the contention that fighters on "on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages" represented an existential threat to America.


US President Barack Obama vigorously defended his legacy while striking an optimistic tone for the future in his final State of the Union address.

He pushed back against the negative tone of the current presidential race, arguing the US has the "strongest, most durable economy in the world".

"Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction," Mr Obama told lawmakers.

The speech to Congress highlighted his accomplishments such as health reform.

However, his focus was on cementing his legacy rather than unveiling new policies.

"For my final address to this chamber, I don't want to talk just about the next year," he said. "I want to focus on our future."

Mr Obama focused on tackling income inequality, using technology to combat climate change and how to maintain national security while not becoming mired in far-flung conflicts.

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