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For the second straight Christmas, Microsoft co-founder William Henry Bill Gates III made a Redditor very happy not only by granting her Christmas wish, but also by donating to worthy causes in her name.连续第二个圣诞节


For the second straight Christmas, Microsoft co-founder William Henry "Bill" Gates III made a Redditor very happy not only by granting her Christmas wish, but also by donating to worthy causes in her name.


Gates played a Secret Santa in this year's Reddit's Secret Santa gift exchange, an online gift exchange since 2009 that connects Internet strangers.


His beneficiary, a 25-year-old Loki fan named Calid7, got not just her wish—a Loki helmet—but also a book of pictures of Africa and a donation in her name to a vaccine program for children in poor countries.


"The amazing human being Bill Gates sent me a Loki Helmet which i have been dying to own ever since the first Thor movie came out!! He read my 'pie in the sky wish' that i filled out in my questionnaire and fulfilled it! I also got an amazing coffee table book of gorgeous pictures of Africa (somewhere i desperately want to go, its on my bucket list!) with an inscription and a Giant microbes polio virus stuffed animal!," Cali7 said.

“了不起的比尔盖茨送了我洛基的头盔!我从第一部《雷神》电影开始就好想好想要的头盔!!他读到了我在问卷里填写的‘天上掉馅饼愿望’并实现了它!我还拿到了一本超棒的包含非洲壮观景色的茶几书(我超想去非洲的,这个愿望都上了我的遗书清单!),带有题词!还有一个小儿麻痹症病毒微生物的填充物!” Cali7说。

She was particularly pleased with the donation Gates made in her name to Shot@Life, a program that provides vaccines for children in poor countries.


"(I) can't even begin to describe how incredible it makes me feel knowing that he made this donation in my name! I always donate what i can for charities, it really makes me glow!" she said.


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