直接开怼?霉霉演唱会上现场演绎《thanK you aIMee》,并大写了YE

最近,咱们的天后霉霉在“Eras Tour”巡演上,又放了个大招,现场演绎了《苦难诗社》里的那首《thanK you aIMee》。不过这次歌名玩了个小花样,直接把“YE”给大写了,这是要直接点名道姓开怼的节奏吗?

霉霉泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)和坎耶·维斯特(Kanye “Ye” West)还有金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)这仨人的恩怨情仇,简直是娱乐圈的“连续剧”,一集接一集,根本停不下来啊!

最近,咱们的天后霉霉在“Eras Tour”巡演上,又放了个大招,现场演绎了《苦难诗社》里的那首《thanK you aIMee》。



It looks like Taylor Swift‘s feud with Kanye “Ye” West and Kim Kardashian will never end.

泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)与坎耶·“耶”维斯特(Kanye “Ye” West)以及金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)之间的恩怨似乎永无止境。

Amid her ongoing Eras Tour, the 34-year-old international pop icon released the live version of her The Tortured Poets department song “thanK you aIMee” — a rumored dig at the 43-year-old reality TV star — and made a slight tweak to the title.

在持续进行的“Eras”巡演期间,这位34岁的国际流行乐天后发布了其《苦难诗社》(The Tortured Poets Department)专辑中歌曲《thanK you aIMee》的现场版——据传这首歌是对43岁的真人秀明星的嘲讽,并对歌名做了微调。

Instead of capitalizing the letters “KIM,” the live version’s title has the letters “YE” capitalized.


Upon the album’s release, Swifties were convinced that “thanK you aIMee” was a sly jab at Kim over her and Taylor’s long-term feud.

专辑发布后,Swifties(泰勒·斯威夫特的粉丝)坚信《thanK you aIMee》是对金·卡戴珊与泰勒长期不和的巧妙讽刺。

Now that the song title has Ye’s name capitalized, fans believe that the title switch is a diss against the 47-year-old “Stronger” rapper.


Throughout the track, Taylor sings about a high school bully named “Aimee.” In one verse of the song, she points out the “legacy” that she built.


“I wrote a thousand songs that you find uncool / I built a legacy that you can’t undo,” Taylor sings. “But when I count the scars, there’s a moment of truth / That there wouldn’t be this if there hadn’t been you.”


In the chorus, Taylor describes the foundation she was building while “Aimee” tormented her.


“All that time you were throwing punches / I was building something,” she sings. “And I can’t forgive the way you made me feel / Screamed F**k you, Aimee to the night sky / As the blood was gushing / But I can’t forget the way you made me heal.”




That year, Taylor won the award for Best Female video at the MTV Video Music Awards, but Ye interrupted her acceptance speech by claiming that Beyoncé had “one of the best videos of all time.”


An embarrassed Taylor fell silent as Ye walked away.


Years later, the fellow music artists patched things up and became friends. In fact, Taylor was even photographed with both Ye and his then-wife, Kim, at the Grammys in 2015.




In 2016, Ye released his single “Famous,” which features a diss at Taylor in the lyric, “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex / Why? / I made that bitch famous.”


At the time, he claimed that he had received permission from Taylor to include the lyric. However, the “Look What You Made Me Do” artist made it clear that this wasn’t the case.

当时,他声称自己已得到泰勒的许可,将这段歌词纳入歌曲中。然而,这位“Look What You Made Me Do”的演唱者明确表示情况并非如此。

Kim, 43, then claimed that Taylor gave Ye the go-ahead with the final lyric.


After the back-and-forth between Kim and Ye and Taylor, the “Stronger” rapper dropped the music video for “Famous,” which featured naked sculptures of Kim and Taylor sleeping next to him in a bed.


Later that year, Kim released a video via Snapchat of Ye talking to Taylor on the phone while he was writing the song.


At one point in the footage, Taylor was heard noting, “I never would’ve expected you to like tell me about a line in your song. I mean, I don’t think anybody would listen to that and be like, ‘Oh, that’s a real diss.’ You gotta tell the story that way that it happened to you and the way you experienced it.”


Later in Kim’s recording, Taylor was heard saying, “If people ask me about it, look, I think it would be great for me to be like, ‘He called me and told me before it came out … Joke’s on you, guys. We’re fine.’”


Taylor, however, doubled down on the fact that she didn’t approve the line, “I made that bitch famous.” Nevertheless, countless “cancel Taylor” hashtags and tweets went viral at the time, and many fans took Ye and Kim’s side in the situation.


The “Karma” singer then pointed out that she “moved to a foreign country” and “didn’t leave a rental house for a year” because of the impact the leaked phone call had on her reputation in the U.S. Not only that, but the trauma from the aftermath weighed down on Taylor.


“I was afraid to get on phone calls,” she added. “I pushed away most people in my life because I didn’t trust anyone anymore. I went down really, really hard.”





feud 争执,恩怨

live version 现场版

tweak 扯;(对机器、系统等的)轻微调整

bully /ˈbʊli/ 霸凌者,仗势欺人者

acceptance speech 领奖致辞,获奖感言

patch things up 解决问题,和解

back-and-forth 来回,反复

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直接开怼?霉霉演唱会上现场演绎《thanK you aIMee》,并大写了YE



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