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Ant species that get introduced into a brand new environment often form supercolonies, van Wilgenburg says. That means their nests all contain ants that are closely related and genetically similar, so the different nests don’t fight with each other.Th

Ant species that get introduced into a brand new environment often form supercolonies, van Wilgenburg says. That means their nests all contain ants that are closely related and genetically similar, so the different nests don’t fight with each other.

That’s not the case with ManhattAnts.

Tests in the lab show that ants taken from different New York nests will treat each other like strangers and duke it out. Even neighboring nests that are physically close to each other, like in adjacent flower pots, can treat each other as dire enemies.

“They are very aggressive towards other ants, and you will see them carrying other ants’ bodies,” says Clancy McCann, a Fordham University student who’s been studying this ant with van Wilgenburg.

Izzie Kaplan, another Fordham student, says ManhattAnts — like many New Yorkers — are also speed walkers.

“They’re very fast, and that’s another reason why we’re super interested in them,” says Kaplan. Their speed may give them an advantage in the city as they compete with other species for resources.

In general, these ants eschew human food, although Kennett says her research shows that they will resort to whatever’s available in “really urban sidewalk habitats.”

Their main sustenance is honeydew, a kind of sugary poop excreted by aphids and scale insects.

The ants seem to be going up into street trees to forage for honeydew, says Kennett, and it may be that they’ve found a gig that’s not really being pursued by other ants in this city.

But ants that like honeydew will protect and care for the plant pests that produce it, increasing the numbers of pests and consequently making life harder for the plants. Invasive Argentine ants in California tend aphids in this way, for example, and have proven to be a real headache for citrus orchards there.

It’s “entirely possible” that, in the long term, ManhattAnts could have a negative effect on city trees, says Kennett, who says these ants seem to be foraging constantly, even at night. “I wish we could just see what they were doing all the time.”


1. supercolonies :超级群落

2. genetically similar :遗传上相似的

3. duke it out :非正式用语,意为“一决胜负。

4. dire enemies :死敌

5. eschew :避开,回避

6. sustenance :食物,营养

7. honeydew :蜜露,一种由蚜虫等昆虫分泌的含糖液体,常被其他昆虫(如蚂蚁)作为食物来源。

8. forage :觅食

9. gig :非正式用语,指工作、任务或差事。

10. invasive :入侵的


1. Ant species that get introduced into a brand new environment often form supercolonies, van Wilgenburg says.

句型 :复合句,主句为“Ant species often form supercolonies”,其中“that get introduced into a brand new environment”为定语从句,修饰“Ant species”。

分析 :此句通过定语从句详细说明了哪些蚂蚁种类会形成超级群落,即被引入全新环境的蚂蚁种类。

2. Tests in the lab show that ants taken from different New York nests will treat each other like strangers and duke it out.

句型 :复合句,主句为“Tests in the lab show”,宾语从句为“that ants taken from different New York nests will treat each other like strangers and duke it out”。

分析 :此句通过宾语从句展示了实验室测试的结果,即来自纽约不同巢穴的蚂蚁会相互视为陌生人并展开争斗。

3. “They are very aggressive towards other ants, and you will see them carrying other ants’ bodies,” says Clancy McCann, a Fordham university student who’s been studying this ant with van Wilgenburg.

句型 :复合句,主句为“says Clancy McCann”,其中“They are very aggressive towards other ants, and you will see them carrying other ants’ bodies”为直接引语,作为“says”的宾语;“a Fordham University student who’s been studying this ant with van Wilgenburg”为同位语,对“Clancy McCann”进行补充说明。

分析 :此句通过直接引语和同位语详细描述了Clancy McCann对ManhattAnts的观察和看法,强调了它们的攻击性和行为特征。

4. But ants that like honeydew will protect and care for the plant pests that produce it, increasing the numbers of pests and consequently making life harder for the plants.

句型 :并列句,由并列连词“but”连接两个分句;第一个分句为复合句,其中“that like honeydew”为定语从句修饰“ants”,“that produce it”为定语从句修饰“plant pests”;第二个分句为并列的动名词短语作结果状语。

分析 :此句通过两个并列的分句和多个定语从句,详细阐述了喜欢蜜露的蚂蚁如何影响植物害虫的数量和植物的生长环境。













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