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意大利博物馆高空展示野生动物A visit to the northern Italian city of Trento, where a unique science museum is making quite a name for itself. The museum has found an original way to showcase the wildlife of the Alps.


A visit to the northern Italian city of Trento, where a unique science museum is making quite a name for itself. The museum has found an original way to showcase the wildlife of the Alps.


The exhibition, named "From the glacier to the forest", has the animals displayed vertically in the central hall, in up to five different layers.

Life-sized animals, seemingly floating in mid-air. The exhibition, named "From the glacier to the forest", has the animals displayed vertically in the central hall, in up to five different layers.

The specimens are so lifelike that the museum resembles a three-dimensional distribution map of Alpine wildlife.

"Our concept is to create a floating mountain. These animals are displayed in different layers, representing the different altitudes at which they live in real life," said Alessandra Pallaveri, cultural mediator of Trento Science Museum.

The museum showcases wildlife such as wild donkeys, marmots, elks and more. In the basement, visitors can view fossils of dinosaurs and other animals found in the Alpine glaciers.


The exhibition, named "From the glacier to the forest", has the animals displayed vertically in the central hall, in up to five different layers.


The exhibition, named "From the glacier to the forest", has the animals displayed vertically in the central hall, in up to five different layers.


The exhibition, named "From the glacier to the forest", has the animals displayed vertically in the central hall, in up to five different layers.

"Other exhibitions of this kind are very academic in style. This exhibit has a modern, interesting touch, and is more easily understood by the public," said Luca, tourist.

The museum is a reflection of wildlife found in the Dolomites mountains surrounding Trento. The mountain range contains such abundant forests and animals that it was listed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage in 2009.

On its opening day, the exhibition welcomed nearly 30,000 tourists. Since then, 350,000 visitors have admired its "floating wildlife".

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