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Former President Donald Trump has posted a fake social media image of pop superstar Taylor Swift asking people to vote for him in the November election.前总统唐纳德·特朗普在社交媒体上发布了流行巨星泰勒·斯威夫特呼吁人们为他投票的虚假图片。A Sunday ent


Former president Donald Trump has posted a fake social media image of pop superstar Taylor Swift asking people to vote for him in the November election.


A Sunday entry by the Republican candidate on truth Social showed Swift dressed in red, white and blue with a caption that said "Taylor Swift Wants You To Vote For Donald Trump."

周日,这位共和党候选人在Truth Social上发布了一张斯威夫特身着红白蓝三色服装的照片, 并配文称“泰勒·斯威夫特希望你为唐纳德·特朗普投票”。

"I accept!" Trump wrote.


Swift has not publicly endorsed a candidate in the 2024 race but has supported Democrats in the past.


The singer backed President Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris in 2020. Harris is set to be formally nominated as the 2024 Democratic candidate at the party's national convention in Chicago this week. Swift also criticized Trump in a 2020 documentary.

这位歌手在2020年支持总统乔·拜登和竞选搭档卡马拉·哈里斯。 哈里斯将于本周在芝加哥举行的民主党全国代表大会上被正式提名为2024年民主党候选人。 斯威夫特还在2020年的一部纪录片中批评了特朗普。

A spokesperson for Swift did not respond to a request for comment.


Trump also posted photos of young women wearing "Swifties for Trump" shirts, and a satirical article with the headline "Swifties Turning to Trump After ISIS Foiled Taylor Swift Concert." The article was marked "SATIRE" above the headline.

特朗普还发布了年轻女性穿着“Swifties for Trump”衬衫的照片, 以及一篇题为“ISIS破坏泰勒·斯威夫特演唱会后,斯威夫特转向特朗普”的讽刺文章。文章标题上方标有“讽刺”。

Swift canceled three shows in Vienna this month after authorities said they had foiled a planned attack. local officials arrested a 19-year-old man who they said was inspired by Islamic State.

本月,斯威夫特在维也纳取消了三场演出,因为当局表示他们挫败了一起计划中的袭击。 当地警方逮捕了一名19岁男子,称该男子受到伊斯兰国的煽动。

"Swifties for Trump is a massive movement that grows bigger every single day," Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement when asked for comment about the fake Swift image.

“Swifties for Trump是一场日益壮大的运动”, 当被问及这张斯威夫特虚假图片时,特朗普竞选团队发言人史蒂文·张在一份声明中表示。

Several Swift fans and watchdog groups said many of the images posted by Trump appeared to be deepfakes generated by artificial intelligence.


Advocates in the music industry, Hollywood and Washington have been pushing for federal legislation and other measures to fight the explosion of fake AI images online.

音乐界、 好莱坞和华盛顿的倡导者一直在推动联邦立法和其他措施,以避免网上过度使用虚假人工智能图片。

Trump's post was "yet another example of AI's power to create misinformation," consumer group Public Citizen said.

消费者组织Public Citizen表示,特朗普的帖子是“人工智能制造虚假信息的又一个例子”。

"The potential harms to our society that could result from such misinformation, including abuses of our elections, are wide-reaching and immensely damaging," the group added.

“此类虚假信息可能对我们的社会造成潜在伤害,包括滥用我们的选举, 影响广泛且具极具破坏性,”该组织补充道。

At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Swift fan Rebecca Goff handed out friendship bracelets, a common practice among the singer's fans, at a Nevada Democratic Party breakfast.


Goff, 39, said she felt Trump was the antithesis of what she believes Swift stands for, including celebrating girlhood and womanhood.


"That's like the antithesis of what Trump and the GOP are trying to do, especially to women. They're trying to make us smaller. They want us to go back to being just housewives, child bearers," Goff said.

“这就像特朗普和共和党试图做的事情完全相反,尤其是对女性而言。 他们试图让我们变得渺小。 他们希望我们回到只是家庭主妇、生育孩子的时代,”戈夫说。


Former President 前总统 ; 前任总统 ; 前任主席 ; 前任会长

Donald Trump 唐纳德·特朗普 ; 特朗普 ; 川普

social media 社交网络媒介

Taylor Swift 泰勒·斯威夫特 ; 泰勒丝 ; 泰勒·史薇芙特

vote for 建议 ; 投票赞成

in red 红色 ; 穿红衣

that said 尽管如此 ; 即便如此

in the past 在过去

running mate 竞选伙伴 ; 副总统候选人

national convention 全国代表大会

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