
初二英语日记 篇一Today was a bright, sunny day. After breakfast, I headed to the library. I borrowed books on physics and mathematics, which are my favorite subjects. I spent an hour reading about Newton’s laws and algebraic equations. It was challeng

初二英语日记 篇一

Today was a bright, sunny day. After breakfast, I headed to the library. I borrowed books on physics and mathematics, which are my favorite subjects. I spent an hour reading about Newton’s laws and algebraic equations. It was challenging, but I enjoyed it. Later, I met my classmate, Tom. We sat down and discussed the difficult parts together. We helped each other understand the concepts better. After studying, we played a game of table tennis to relax. It was a productive day, and I feel more confident in these subjects now. I’m looking forward to more study sessions like this.


初二英语日记 篇二

Today was a sunny day, and I woke up early feeling full of energy. After having a quick breakfast of bread and milk, I decided to spend my morning reading English books. I love reading stories in English because it helps me improve my vocabulary and grammar.

In the afternoon, my friends and I went to the park nearby. We played football and flew kites happily. It was so much fun running around and laughing together. Later, we sat on the grass, chatting about our dreams and plans for the future.

Evening came quickly, and I helped my mom prepare dinner. We had noodles with vegetables and meat, which was delicious. After dinner, I did my homework carefully, reviewing what I learned today. I feel proud of myself for being productive and enjoying every moment of my day.




初二英语日记 篇三

Today, our class had a science experiment. We learned about plants. We planted seeds and will observe their growth. It was fun to dig in the soil and place the seeds carefully. I hope my plant grows tall and strong. After school, I went home and did my homework. I also read a chapter of a novel for English class. It was an interesting story about a detective. I can’t wait to read more!


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