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《巴黎协定》签署 美国国务卿克里带外孙女出席

In order to remind the public of its duty to protect thehealth of future generations, Secretary of State JohnKerry brought his young granddaughter with him to theUnited Nations as he signed an internationalcommitment to

In order to remind the public of its duty to protect thehealth of future generations, Secretary of state JohnKerry brought his young granddaughter with him to theUnited Nations as he signed an internationalcommitment to curb the pace of global warming.


Over 150 nations signed the agreement on April 22nd,a truly historic feat based on a previous accord set inParis that aims to limit the Earth's temperature to 1.5or 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.


《巴黎协定》签署 美国国务卿克里带外孙女出席

Kerry hoisted his granddaughter onto his lap in front of a large assembly gathered for the signingceremony, kissing her on the cheek after adding his signature on behalf of the United States.Isabelle, 2, is the only child of Kerry's eldest daughter, Alexandra Kerry, and her husband, JulianDobbs-Higginson.


The agreement, signed on Earth Day, marks the first time the world's most prolific polluters,including the U.S., Europe, China and India, have all agreed to set specific, verifiable goals toreduce carbon emissions and dependency on fossil fuels. The deal also calls on countries such asBrazil to enforce strict policies on deforestation.


The deal still has to be ratified by each signatory nation. In the United States, president Obama isexpected to ratify the agreement through executive action. The deadline for ratification is April 21, 2017, one year from now.


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