《老友记》“瑞秋”前夫Justin Theroux官宣订婚,新片宣传不忘撒狗粮!

在与女演员妮可·布莱登·布鲁姆(Nicole Brydon Bloom)甜蜜交往18个月后,贾斯汀·塞洛克斯(Justin Theroux)终于官宣订婚啦!从詹妮弗·安妮斯顿的前夫到如今的幸福准新郎,53岁的他魅力不减,新片《甲壳虫汁》宣传之余,还顺道撒了把狗粮。01Justin Theroux has confirmed

在与女演员妮可·布莱登·布鲁姆(Nicole Brydon Bloom)甜蜜交往18个月后,贾斯汀·塞洛克斯(Justin Theroux)终于官宣订婚啦!



Justin Theroux has confirmed his engagement to his actress fiancé Nicole Brydon Bloom after 18 months of dating.

贾斯汀·塞洛克斯(Justin Theroux)在与女演员未婚妻妮可·布莱登·布鲁姆(Nicole Brydon Bloom)交往18个月后,已确认订婚。

The 53 year old actor, who was previously married to Jennifer Aniston, confirmed the exciting news while on The Tonight Show, hosted by Jimmy Fallon.

这位53岁的演员,之前曾与詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)结婚,在吉米·法伦 (Jimmy Fallon)主持的《今夜秀》(The Tonight Show)上确认了这一激动人心的消息。

The star, who divorced Jennifer in 2018, appeared on the show to promote his upcoming film Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.

这位于2018年与詹妮弗离婚的明星现身节目,是为了宣传他即将上映的电影《甲壳虫汁》(Beetlejuice Beetlejuice)。

As soon as Justin made himself comfortable, Jimmy wasted no time in asking questions. He told the actor: "Justin, there is so much that I have to talk to you about. You've been promoting this film now all over the world."


This was closely followed by: "Where were you just yesterday?" And in response, Justin said: "Just yesterday, I was in Italy. And we just got back last night, yeah." And it was at this point Jimmy revealed the news.


He stated: "And you also just got engaged, by the way." Justin then coyly confirmed the news and simply said: "Thank you."


Nicole was backstage during the interview and was also by his side at the film's premiere last week at the Venice International Film Festival. The pair started dating last year.


And it was at the premiere it was rumoured that Justin had popped the question after noticing a huge rock on her finger, while posing on the red carpet. The following day she wore the same sparkler at the London premiere of the film.


A source told People magazine that he had proposed to Nicole during their trip to Italy with a four-carat emerald cut diamond ring by jeweller, Stephanie Gottlieb.

一位消息人士告诉《人物》杂志,他在与妮可前往意大利的旅途中,用珠宝商斯蒂芬妮·戈特利布(Stephanie Gottlieb)设计的四克拉祖母绿切割钻戒向她求婚。

In an interview with The Times, Justin admitting to being nervous ahead of the proposal. He said: "Of course, I was nervous proposing. It is a question after all, so the answer isn’t guaranteed.But it was wonderful."



这位好莱坞型男贾斯汀·塞洛克斯(Justin Paul Theroux)不仅在电影圈里混得风生水起,还是个才华横溢的编剧。

不仅如此,他还是咱们熟知的《老友记》里的瑞秋——Jennifer Aniston的前夫,两人的婚姻曾是娱乐圈的一大焦点。

Theroux began dating actress Jennifer Aniston in 2011, after they both worked on the film comedy Wanderlust.


They were engaged in August 2012, and married in a surprise ceremony at their LA home in August 2015.


They immediately became favourites of the paparazzi, dogged everywhere they went by photographers.


“How do you combat gossip and rumour?” he says. “…it’s just on crack and steroids now.”


Theroux says he avoids social media because the danger of being misinterpreted: “That’s why I don’t go on Twitter . With the internet, it’s too inelegant a machine to accurately carve truth.”


However, unfortunately, they divorced in 2018.


Speaking about her split from Justin in an interview with InStyle magazine in 2018, Jennifer Aniston said. "It's pretty crazy. The misconceptions are ‘Jen can't keep a man,’ and ‘Jen refuses to have a baby because she's selfish and committed to her career.’


Or that I'm sad and heartbroken... First, with all due respect, I’m not heartbroken. And second, those are reckless assumptions. No one knows what's going on behind closed doors."


Jennifer has spoken candidly about her fertility struggle after unsuccessful rounds of IVF. She revealed in Allure in 2022: "I was trying to get pregnant.


It was a challenging road for me, the baby-making road. My late 30s, 40s, I'd gone through really hard s**t, and if it wasn't for going through that, I would've never become who I was meant to be. I was trying to get pregnant."


The actress met Brad Pitt in 1998 before they married in 2000. However, their relationship came to a swift end when Brad fell in love with Angelina Jolie on the set of Mr & Mrs Smith.


By January 2005, Brad and Jen announced their split. It didn't take long before the Benjamin Button actor was parading around on a beach with Angie and her son, Maddox.



coyly 害羞地

pop the question 求婚

red carpet 红地毯

sparkler 闪耀的钻石,烟火

four-carat emerald cut diamond ring 四克拉祖母绿切割钻戒

paparazzi /ˌpæp(ə)ˈrætsi/ 狗仔队

gossip and rumour 流言蜚语

misinterpret /ˌmɪsɪnˈtɜːprət/ 误解

fertility struggle 生育困难

IVF 体外受精(全写为in vitro fertilization),试管受精

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《老友记》“瑞秋”前夫Justin Theroux官宣订婚,新片宣传不忘撒狗粮!



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