
As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, China's film industry is gearing up for a promising season, offering a diverse lineup of 21 new releases to draw audiences back to theaters. At a time when the market faces challenges, will this mix of films have


As the Mid-Autumn festival approaches, China's film industry is gearing up for a promising season, offering a diverse lineup of 21 new releases to draw audiences back to theaters. At a time when the market faces challenges, will this mix of films have the potential to energize the box office? An industry expert told the global Times that he has confidence in this year's Mid-Autumn film season.

随着中秋佳节的临近,中国电影业正积极筹备,准备迎接一个充满希望的中秋档电影季。本次档期共推出了21部新片,题材多样,旨在吸引观众重返影院。 在当前市场面临挑战之际,这批影片是否有潜力提振票房? 一位行业专家向《环球时报》表达了对今年中秋档电影季的信心。

Among the highly anticipated films, Stand by Me, which premieres on Sunday, stands out due to high pre-sales.


Following that, there's the Hollywood thriller Speak No Evil. On September 17 when the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated, there will be realism-orientated films such as Like A Rolling Stone and Enjoy Yourself, as well as comedies like A Frozen Rage and Keep Rolling.

紧随其后的是好莱坞惊悚片《非礼勿言》。 中秋节当天(9月17日),将有多部现实主义题材影片上映,如《出走的决心》和《祝你幸福!》,以及喜剧片《一雪前耻》和《大场面》。

Moreover, there will be re-releases such as The Wandering Earth II, along with a behind-the-scenes documentary about the film.


According to online ticketing platform Maoyan, by 12:29 pm on Wednesday, pre-sales for this season have already surpassed 40 million yuan ($5.62 million), with Stand by Me, Like A Rolling Stone, and Enjoy Yourself leading the pack. From thrillers to comedies and animated films, the Mid-Autumn season caters to diverse audience preferences.

根据在线票务平台猫眼的数据,截至周三中午12点29分,本档期的预售票房已超过4000万元人民币(约合562万美元),其中《野孩子》、《出走的决心》和《祝你幸福!》位居前列。 从惊悚片到喜剧片再到动画片,中秋档期的电影满足了不同观众的喜好。

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival falls in mid-September, right between the summer and National Day film seasons, serving as a bridge for the market. The recent summer box office was not ideal, with a decline in both revenue and viewership compared to 2023.

今年的中秋节恰逢九月中旬,处于暑期档与国庆档之间,成为市场的桥梁。 今年暑期档票房并不理想,与2023年同期相比,票房和观影人次均有所下降。

The summer box office (June 1 to August 31) reached 11.64 billion yuan, a decrease of nearly 9 billion yuan compared to 20.619 billion yuan in 2023.


Additionally, this summer saw 285 million tickets sold, a significant drop compared to the 505 million from the same period in 2023.


According to a report by Maoyan, the long-tail index for summer blockbusters has significantly decreased compared to 2023, with overall post-release box-office performance and film discussions being less favorable.


The long-tail index refers to the total box-office earnings divided by opening day earnings.


Additionally, there was a scarcity of large-scale family films, which led to a decrease in group viewership, while single-viewer rates reached their highest in the past six years.


The most prominent reason for not watching films during the summer is "lack of interest in the films." The "cost-effectiveness" of going to the cinema was also a crucial factor in audiences' decision-making.


However, since the box office for the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays in 2023, which were combined that year, reached 2.734 billion yuan, one interviewed expert noted he is optimistic about this year's performance during the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays.


"Although the summer season didn't meet expectations, the film market is not lacking in excitement, and there is a certain level of anticipation for the Mid-Autumn Festival," Sun Jiashan, an associate researcher at the central Academy of Culture and Tourism Administration, told the Global Times.


According to Sun, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival benefits from its timing. If it were closer to the summer or National Day periods, many films might opt to release during those peak times instead.

孙家山还指出,今年中秋节的档期选择十分有利, 因为它既不过于接近暑期档,也不与国庆档重叠,这使得影片有更多的机会在这个时间段内吸引观众。

Realism is a major highlight of this year's Mid-Autumn film season. Movies like Stand by Me and Like A Rolling Stone stand out not only for their narratives but also for their focus on realism, often tackling pressing social issues.

现实主义成为今年中秋档的一大特色。 电影如《野孩子》和《出走的决心》不仅因其叙事手法而受到关注,更因为它们对现实问题的深刻探讨而脱颖而出,这些影片往往触及社会热点。


Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

film industry 电影业 ; 电影产业 ; 电影工业 ; 电影界 ; 电影事业

gearing 传动装置 ; 齿轮装置 ; 资本与负债比率 ; 联动比率 ; 换挡 ; 适合 ; 使准备好 ; 搭配 ; 使兴奋起来 ; gear的现在分词

up for 被提出 ; 准备 ; 准备好 ; 被提名

At a time 每次 ; 依次

energize 激励 ; 使充满热情 ; 给增添能量 ; 为…提供电力 ; 使通电

the box 盒子

he has 他有

this year 今年

Mid-Autumn 中秋

  • 本文标签:
  • 中秋档 电影 竞争激烈
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