《杀死比尔》硬汉Michael Madsen离婚大战升级:“逼死”爱子!

近日,迈克尔·马德森(Michael Madsen)向法院提交离婚申请,离婚文件直指分居妻子“逼死”儿子。 这位《杀死比尔》的硬汉男神在法庭文件中火力全开,不仅提到“无法调和的差异”,更爆料前妻的“三宗罪”:忽视、酗酒、成瘾,直指这些是导致儿子悲剧的元凶!

近日,迈克尔·马德森(Michael Madsen)向法院提交离婚申请,离婚文件直指分居妻子“逼死”儿子。



Michael Madsen has accused his estranged wife of “driving their son to die by suicide” in bombshell divorce filings.


The Kill Bill actor, 66, filed to end his relationship with DeAnna Madsen, 64, after 28 years of marriage, submitting documents in LA this week.

这位66岁的《杀死比尔》演员在结婚28年后,于本周在洛杉矶提交文件,申请结束与64岁的DeAnna Madsen的婚姻关系。

The former couple, who got married in April, 1996, share three sons together – Calvin, Luke and Hudson, who died two years ago at the age of 26.


In court paperwork obtained by People Magazine, the Hollywood star, who was arrested on domestic violence charges last month, cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for their separation, but vowed that this did not “adequately describe the divorce filing”.


According to the outlet, there was a separate signed statement attached to the petition, in which he alleged that DeAnna had driven their child to suicide due to “her neglect, drinking and alcoholism”.


He is also said to have requested a domestic violence restraining order, and denied the charges made against him in August.


“Respondent also significantly contributed to my personal issues as well,” he reportedly shared.


“I am a victim in an abusive, co-dependent, and toxic relationship that culminated in the Respondent breaking into my residence and having me wrongfully arrested for DV.”



迈克尔·马德森(Michael Madsen)1957年出生于美国芝加哥,是一位知名演员、制片人和导演。他因在昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的电影《落水狗》中饰演的金先生一角而广为人知,并在《杀死比尔》系列中表现出色。

他和 DeAnna Madsen于1996年结婚,并育有三子。然而,就在上个月,迈克尔·马德森因家暴被捕。

Hollywood actor Michael Madsen has been arrested on a domestic violence charge after allegedly shoving his wife.


The 66-year-old actor is best known for starring in Quentin Tarantino films including Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill.


He was arrested by The Los Angeles County Sheriff”s department after a “disagreement” with his wife DeAnna Madsen, 64.

他与64岁的妻子DeAnna Madsen发生“争执”后,被洛杉矶县警察局逮捕。

Officers confirmed to Metro.co.uk that shortly after midnight on Saturday, they received a call from a woman alleging “her husband pushed her and locked her out of the house.”


Madsen was arrested in Malibu, California on the misdemeanour charge.


He posted a $20,000 (£15,300) bond before being released from custody.


In a statement to Variety, a representative for Madsen said: “It was a disagreement between Michael and his wife, which we hope resolves positively for them both.”


A spokesperson for The Los Angeles County Sheriff”s Department told Metro.co.uk: “On August 17, 2024, at approximately 12:15 AM, deputies responded to a family disturbance in the City of Malibu. The informant stated that a female adult alleged her husband pushed her and locked her out of their residence.


“Based on the initial investigation, deputies determined Michael Madsen was involved in a domestic incident involving his wife. Mr. Madsen was arrested for misdemeanor Spousal Battery (violation of 243(e)(1) P.C.). He was transported and booked at Malibu/Lost Hill Sheriff”s Station.


“The investigation is ongoing and will be forwarded to the Van Nuys Superior Court House for filing.”



domestic violence charges 家庭暴力指控

irreconcilable differences 不可调和的分歧

alcoholism 酒精中毒

restraining order 限制令

break into 闯入

disturbance 扰乱

informant 报案人,(向警方或报纸)提供消息的人

misdemeanour charge 轻罪指控

bond 保释金

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《杀死比尔》硬汉Michael Madsen离婚大战升级:“逼死”爱子!



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