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泰国军方宣布戒严 martial law

泰国军方宣布戒严 martial law Thailands army says that it has declared martial law to keep peace and order, after six months of anti-government protests have left the country in political turmoil.Army chief General Prayut

泰国军方宣布戒严 martial law

Thailand’s army says that it has declared martial law to “keep peace and order,” after six months of anti-government protests have left the country in political turmoil.

Army chief general Prayuth Chanocha gave the order early today, and it took immediate effect nationwide. Chanocha said that mass gatherings and recent street violence have shown signs of intensifying into widespread, critical chaos in several areas, which might seriously affect national security and public safety.

The army chief urged the public not to panic and promised that the military will soon restore order. Another general, who asked not to be identified, said that the move a response to deteriorating security and that it is not a coup.

泰国军方宣布戒严 martial law

Thai military takes action to 'keep peace and order'

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  • martial
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