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习近平:中国需向其他国家学习上海,5月23日,习近平主席表示中国需向其他国家学习,并对对外交流持开放态度。SHANGHAI, May 23 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has said that China should be a country that learns from ot



SHANGHAI, May 23 (Xinhua) -- Chinese president Xi Jinping has said that China should be a country that learns from other countries and civilizations and keeps an open mind in exchanges with foreign countries.


Chinese President Xi Jinping (C, front) enters the venue to attend a meeting with foreign experts in Shanghai, east China, May 22, 2014. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)

Xi made the remarks during a meeting with foreign experts in Shanghai on Thursday after the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia. A total of 50 foreign experts from 22 countries, who work in Shanghai universities, research facilities and enterprises and have made great contributions to China, attended the meeting.

British physicist and Nobel laureate Anthony Leggett, Dutch education and culture expert Annette Nijs, head of Institut Pastur of Shanghai German national Ralf Altmeyer, aeronautical engineering expert Patrick Power, and U.S. financial expert Gregory Gibb made their suggestions on their related fields for China's development.

They said Xi's meeting with them showed China's willingness to open to the outside world and strengthen exchanges with other countries, vowing to make greater contributions to building an innovative China in their respective posts.

Xi said foreign experts' suggestions and opinions were insightful and the government would make serious study of them and adopt them where appropriate, adding that foreign experts not only bring advanced technology and management experience, but also new ideas and understanding. He extended greetings to all foreign friends who help China.


Chinese President Xi Jinping (R, front) shakes hands with a foreign expert ahead of his meeting with foreign experts in Shanghai, east China, May 22, 2014. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)

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