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连任仅5天 国际足联主席布拉特宣布辞职

Sepp Blatter, who led world soccers governing body for 17 years and whowas regarded as one of the most powerful people in global sports, said Tuesdaythat he would resign his position, making his announcement in Zurich ev

连任仅5天 国际足联主席布拉特宣布辞职

Sepp Blatter, who led world soccer’s governing body for 17 years and who was regarded as one of the most powerful people in global sports, said Tuesday that he would resign his position, making his announcement in Zurich even as law enforcement officials in the United States confirmed that he was a focus of a federal corruption investigation.


Mr. Blatter had for days tried to distance himself from the controversy, but several United States officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that in their efforts to build a case against Mr. Blatter they were hoping to win the cooperation of some of the FIFA officials now under indictment and work their way up the organization.


Mr. Blatter’s resignation speech, which he delivered in French to a mostly empty room at FIFA headquarters, served as a stunning coda to a dramatic sequence of events that began last Wednesday with a police raid at a five-star hotel, where seven soccer officials were arrested and held for extradition to the United States on corruption charges.


A high-ranking soccer official said Mr. Blatter had been advised by his legal counsel that continuing in his current position could make defending him against possible future prosecution more difficult.


The soccer official added that pressure on Mr. Blatter from soccer’s corporate partners, as well as from various FIFA members, increased considerably over the weekend as itbecame clear that the Justice department indictment was not just looking at corruption within Concacaf, the regional governing body overseeing soccer in North America, central America and the Caribbean.


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