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女子状告特朗普 称13岁被特朗普和一富商先后强奸

导读:一名美国女子日前以强奸罪起诉美国共和党总统竞选人、地产大亨唐纳德.特朗普。该女子在起诉书中声称,1994年,年仅13岁的她在一场派对上被特朗普以及他的一位富商友人先后强奸。Donald Trump faces rape allegations again. An unid


女子状告特朗普 称13岁被特朗普和一富商先后强奸

Donald Trump faces rape allegations again. An unidentified California woman filed a lawsuit in a Manhattan Federal court on Monday, which was first reported by the Real Deal.

特朗普再次面临强奸指控。6月20日,一名身份不明的加利福尼亚女子在在曼哈顿联邦法院提起诉讼。据纽约权威地产杂志The Real Deal抢先报道。

The lawsuit claims that Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein raped her when she was 13 years old at a sex party hosted by Epstein in 1994. Trump has previously denied the allegations, calling them “categorically false” and “disgusting.”


Epstein has also been previously accused of sexual deviancy and pedophile activities, but has denied claims as well. He did, however, plead guilty to soliciting a minor in one case filed against him in 2008.


A Los Angeles Federal Court judge dismissed the lawsuit last month.


The New York Daily News points out there are many vulgar charges missing from the new case, like an allegation that Trump threw money at the defendant after she expressed fear of pregnancy after the rape. Also missing is the claim that Trump called Epstein a “Jew bastard,” and her original request for $100 million in damages.

《纽约每日新闻》指出,在本次的案件中,许多粗俗的指控被撤回,比如她声称,在被强奸后担心怀孕,特朗普曾甩给她现金,还比如特朗普称爱泼斯坦为“犹太杂种”,以及她曾要求 1亿美元的赔偿金。

She cites in an affidavit: “Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed.”


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