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中国与俄罗斯将共同应对威胁和挑战Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with the secretary of Russias Security Council, Nikolai Patruchev, in Beijing. The two sides agreed to enhance strategic communication and coordination


Chinese president Xi Jinping has met with the secretary of Russia’s security Council, Nikolai Patruchev, in Beijing. The two sides agreed to enhance strategic communication and coordination and deepen cooperation in a range of fields including diplomacy, the economy, defense and counter-terrorism.

China and Russia say they will work together to tackle threats, and safeguard their sovereignty, security and development interests.


Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with the secretary of Russia’s Security Council, Nikolai Patruchev, in Beijing.

President Xi Jinping said Russian President Vladmir Putin’s visit to China in May was a success. China valued Russia’s participation during last month’s Asia security summit in Shanghai, which itself had achieved satisfying results.

Patruchev said Russia will continue to implement the consensus between President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin.

The two countries took a major step forward in strengthening ties last month in Shanghai, where fifty agreements were signed during the CICA summit.

Patruchev also met state Councilor Yang Jiechi during the latest round of strategic security consultations.

The two sides said they had an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral ties, the international and regional security situation.

"We have achieved a lot of consensus during your visit here. We have made considerable headway in the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership, and I believe this security consultation will have a positive impact for both countries and beyond," Yang Jiechi said.

"China and Russia’s strategic coordination has reached a very high level and has continued to develop. I agree that the bilateral meeting between Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping last month was significant. The two meetings here, on law enforcement and strategic security consultation are practical discussions on what our two leaders agreed in Shanghai," Nikolai Patrushev said.

In a press release after the talks, China and Russia said they should advocate and practice the principles of the UN Charter in international relations, and promote world and regional peace, stability and development.

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