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CCTV节目《中国成语大会》激起人们对传统文化的兴趣CCTV's Chinese Idioms Competition has quickly become a hit program. Attended by people from all walks of life, the competition has ignited a fad for Chinese phrases and idi


CCTV's Chinese Idioms competition has quickly become a hit program. Attended by people from all walks of life, the competition has ignited a fad for Chinese phrases and idioms. And interactive activities held through mobile phone apps have lured even more youngsters to the program.


CCTV program boosts interest in traditional culture

Four-character Chinese idioms, who knew they could be so entertaining? Yet this program continues to attract many viewers, while cell phone users can attend lucky draws, guess idioms and choose their favorite contestants through apps. And starting from last week, contestants have also been invited to discuss behind-the-scenes stories with netizens.

"We chat with netizens when the program is being aired. And during 90 minutes of the show, we stay online to chat with them," said contestant Wang Fan.

Both the contest and online activities have drawn interest from youngsters born after the 80s and 90s, and 300 contestants have been whittled down to thirty-six. The program has ignited a new wave of interest in traditional Chinese culture.

"Total attendance of the online activities is near 3.7 million, and the episode broadcast on Duanwu festival saw the number reached 1 million. The program is both a creative way to promote traditional culture, and a successful collaboration between a TV station and a network," said Chen Jianying, director of TV-Net Interactive Center, CNTV.

The Idiom Competition is another successful cultural talent program launched by CCTV, following the Chinese Characters Dictation Contest.


CCTV program boosts interest in traditional culture


CCTV program boosts interest in traditional culture

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  • 中国成语大会
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