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中国参与环太平洋军演对解放军和环太平洋军演都有利The PLA Navy will participate for the first time in the Rim of the Pacific naval exercises off the waters in Hawaii. Before the fleet set sail, CCTV reporter Han Bin had an


The PLA Navy will participate for the first time in the Rim of the Pacific naval exercises off the waters in Hawaii. Before the fleet set sail, CCTV reporter Han Bin had an extraordinary chance to go onboard the leading vessel--- the destroyer Haikou, accompanied by its commanding officer. Captain Yan Peng believes the unique experience will be beneficial for both the PLA Navy and RIMPAC.


Destroyer Haikou's captain Yan Peng.

Boarding China’s missile destroyer Haikou is source of pride for Captain Yan Peng. The Haikou was commissioned in 2005. It’s one of the PLA navy’s most advanced warships.

"We will mainly participate in RIMPAC activities targeting non-traditional security threats, including anti-terrorism, anti-piracy, and joint search and rescue operations." Captain Yan said.

Training has been intensive over the past years to enhance overall capabilities. The PLA Navy has conducted more deep sea operations, and RIMPAC will give them access to the expertise of foreign navies in humanitarian assistance.

"I hope through the RIMPAC exercises, the exchange and cooperation, as well as mutual trust and understanding between the Chinese and US navies will further expand. We will contribute to joint efforts to make the waters of the Pacific Ocean more peaceful." Captain Yan said.

Everything on the Haikou is ship shape. Yan Peng says good management is the priority for combat capability.

Along with the destroyer Haikou, the frigate Yueyang, supply ship Qiandaohu, and the hospital ship Peace Ark, will all be traveling to the Pacific Ocean, for the world’s largest naval games led by the US Navy.

"I think the exercise could improve our non-conventional operational capabilities in the deep sea, as well further expand our exchanges with other navies." Captain Yan said.

Yan Peng believes the debut of the Chinese naval vessels will make a difference at this year’s RIMPAC.

The RIMPAC 2014 exercises come when tensions over maritime disputes have been on the rise in the region. Experts say the PLA Navy’s participation in RIMPAC could help facilitate better communication with the other participants. And this in turn would aid in trust building and avoiding unnecessary conflict in the future.


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  • 太平洋 解放军
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