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导读:美国南部巴吞鲁日发生枪击事件,三名警官死亡,三人受伤。奥巴马总统呼吁所有的美国人团结起来,拒绝分裂言论。他说袭击警察的行为不存在任何正当理由。Three police officers have been killed and three injured in a shooting in



Three police officers have been killed and three injured in a shooting in the southern US city of Baton Rouge.


A suspect shot dead at the scene was thought to be the only gunman involved, police said. Reports earlier suggested there was more than one gunman.


President Barack Obama said nothing justified attacks on police officers.


It is not clear what the motive is, or whether there is any link to the killing by police of a black man in the city nearly two weeks ago.


The shooting of Alton Sterling and another killing of a black man in Minnesota, led to widespread protests across the US.

Alton Sterling遭枪杀以及另一个黑人男子在明尼苏达州被枪杀的事件,在美国引发了广泛的抗议活动。

It also triggered a revenge attack by a black army veteran who shot dead five officers in the city of Dallas.


Law enforcement officers have converged on a house in Kansas City, Missouri, that is listed for a man named Gavin Long - the man US media named earlier as the suspect in Sunday’s Baton Rouge shootings.

执法人员已经聚集在密苏里州堪萨斯市的一所房子前,这所房子注册在Gavin Long的名下,美国媒体此前认为他就是周日巴吞鲁日枪击事件的嫌疑犯。

In a live broadcast from the White House, president Obama called upon all Americans to unite and refrain from divisive language.


"Regardless of motive, the death of these three brave officers underscores the danger that police across the country confront every single day, and we as a nation have to be loud and clear that nothing justifies violence against law enforcement," he said.


Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards told a news conference it was an "absolutely unspeakable, heinous attack."

路易斯安那州州长John Bel Edwards在新闻发布会说这是一件“绝对无法形容的,令人发指的攻击。”

Mobile phone footage from Baton Rouge showed police cars arriving at a road intersection. Several shots were then heard.


Officers were responding to a report of a man carrying a rifle along a major motorway, Colonel Mike Edmonson told a news conference. He said the gunman was dressed all in black.

警察接到报案说有一名男子携来福枪走在主道上,上校Mike Edmonson在新闻发布会上说。他说枪手穿了一身黑衣。

Witnesses reported a man firing indiscriminately.


"We believe that the person who shot and killed our officers, that he was the person that was shot and killed at the scene," Col Edmonson said.

“我们相信枪杀警官的人,就是当场被枪毙的那个人,”Col Edmonson说。

US media outlets are naming the gunman as Gavin Long, 29, of Kansas City, Missouri.

美国媒体报道称,枪手是Gavin Long,29岁,来自密苏里州堪萨斯市。

Two of the dead were Baton Rouge police officers and one was an East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s office deputy. All three were married and had family.


One of the injured was in a critical condition, while the other two were in a stable condition.


The local sheriff’s department spokeswoman told WAFB TV the incident began shortly before 09:00 local time (14:00 GMT).

当地警局发言人告诉WAFB TV说事件发生于当地时间09:00(14:00 GMT)前不久。

A witness interviewed by the station said the shooting appeared to have broken out before law enforcement officers arrived at the scene.


Witness Brady Vancel told WAFB he saw what may have been gang members shooting at each other before police arrived.

目击者Brady Vancel告诉WAFB说,警察到达之前他看到的应该是团伙成员在互相射击。

Another witness said she saw a gunman wearing a black mask and military-style clothing.


Baton Rouge Mayor Kip Holden said he had spoken to White House officials who had offered assistance. He said it was "a defining moment" for community relations.

巴吞鲁日市长Kip Holden说他已经与白宫前来协助的人员交谈。他说这是社区关系的“决定性时刻”。

But he also told local media the "rhetoric from some people" after the death of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge may be connected to the shootings, without elaborating who.

他还告诉当地媒体说这次枪击可能与Alton Sterling在巴吞鲁日死亡后出现的夸张言辞有关,但他没有指明是谁。

"Everything’s been anti-police," he said.


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