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西藏大学对保护文化遗产起着重要作用The Tibet Autonomous Region is also known for its luxuriant intangible cultural heritages. To protect them, the central government and the autonomous region's government have taken many


The Tibet Autonomous Region is also known for its luxuriant intangible cultural heritages. To protect them, the central government and the autonomous region's government have taken many efforts, including implementing new regulations. And now, the protection is stepping forward, as local colleges start to play a larger role. 


Tibet university is a top institute of higher learning in the Tibet Autonomous Region, and a leader in research. It started offering courses in Thangka painting in 1985, and is now one of the main three practice bases for Thangka painters.

Tibet University is a top institute of higher learning in the Tibet Autonomous Region, and a leader in research. It started offering courses in Thangka painting in 1985, and is now one of the main three practice bases for Thangka painters. Here, the art is being passed down to the younger generation. 

"Thangka is a shining pearl of the diverse Tibetan culture. So it's very important that we preserve the art here. through the courses, we can make the younger generation understand more about the cultures our ancestors created and preserved over hundreds of years." a teacher at Tibet University said.

"I have seen Thangka paintings nearly every day since I was a kid. Since then I have developed an interest in painting them myself." a local said.

The local government is also compiling intangible cultural heritages in textbooks for elementary and high school students.  

"Thangka, Tibetan opera and more will be included in the textbooks, which will be published later this year." a local said.

Over the past nine years, the central government and the Tibet Autonomous Region have spent 127 million yuan to preserve intangible cultural heritages.

More than 100,000 articles, nearly two thousand audio and video clips, and 45,000 pictures have been collected since 2006. And over one thousand forms of intangible cultural heritages, covering traditional music, dance, and craftsmanship, have also been recorded.


The local government is also compiling intangible cultural heritages in textbooks for elementary and high school students.

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  • 文化遗产
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