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因担忧恐袭 法国戛纳禁止携带各式包包

导读:两周前法国尼斯刚发生恐怖袭击屠杀,作为应对措施,戛纳市长大卫.里斯纳德于本周三发布禁令,禁止一切可藏匿武器的包袋进入戛纳海滩。Cannes has banned people taking bags onto its beaches amid fears that France could be hit


因担忧恐袭 法国戛纳禁止携带各式包包

Cannes has banned people taking bags onto its beaches amid fears that France could be hit with further terror attacks.


The town’s mayor David Lisnard announced the ban on any bag which could conceal a weapon on Wednesday, in response to the massacre in Nice almost two weeks ago.


The decision also comes the day after an 85-year-old priest was murdered as he performed morning mass in Normandy.


According to 20Minutes, a spokesman for Cannes town hall explained: ’The Mayor has put in place additional protection for locals and tourists on the beaches, under the state of Emergency, banning the possession and transporting of large containers (backpacks, suitcases or other luggage), the opacity and size could hide dangerous materials, weapons or explosives.’


People are being encouraged to carry ’see-through’ bags instead, the Mirror claimed.

据《镜报》 称,政府鼓励人们携带“透明”的包袋。

The ban will remain in place until the end of October - comes amid a growing wave of panic in France, which has suffered seven fatal terror attacks since the start of 2015.


The Cote d’Azur has been flooded with rumours of further possible attacks following the murders in Nice, when Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel drove a lorry into a crowd on the Promenade des Anglais on Bastille Day, killing 84 innocent people.

蔚蓝海岸(The Cote d’Azur,法国地中海海滨休假圣地)现在已谣言四起,称尼斯事件之后恐怖分子将会发起进一步袭击。尼斯事件发生在法国国庆日,恐怖分子穆罕默德.拉胡艾杰.布赫莱勒开着卡车冲向Promenade des Anglais酒店前的人群,造成84个无辜的人丧生。

Police were forced to deny Wednesday they had foiled an attack on Jaun-le-Pins, which sits in between Nice and Cannes.


According to Nice Matin, a message being shared on social media earlier on Wednesday read: ’A truck full of heavy weapons and explosives had been found in Saint-Tropez and Marseille for an attack in Antibes.’


Police have denied the rumour - saying there had never been any such plot. ’We never found such a truck,’ a police spokesman told the newspaper.


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