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俞正声参加第六届海峡论坛:更多措施给台湾人民带福利The week-long Cross Strait Forum has opened in the eastern port city of Xiamen. The mainlands top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng is there and in an address to the delega


The week-long Cross Strait Forum has opened in the eastern port city of Xiamen. The mainland’s top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng is there and in an address to the delegates, he promised more measures to benefit Taiwan and Taiwan people.


Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, addresses the opening ceremony of the sixth Straits Forum in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province, June 15, 2014. (Xinhua/Ding Lin)

A platform to improve understanding.

The Cross Strait Forum is the main platform for exchanges between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan both in terms of scale and those on the guest list.

Yu Zhengsheng is China's top political advisor. Addressing the forum, he said there are bound to be challenges as relations across the Strait develop. And he spoke of the importance of mutual understanding, respect and consideration.

Yu says the mainland leadership will continue to roll out measures that benefit Taiwan people.  It’s a pledge that was also stressed by the director of the Taiwan Affairs Office, Zhang Zhijun.

"We hope to improve direct flight services across the Taiwan Strait, by cutting flight times and reducing ticket costs. We hope the two sides can continue to develop a sound tourist market in a healthy and sustainable way, and make it easier for people from the mainland to travel to Taiwan," said Zhang Zhijun, director of state Council Taiwan Affairs Office.

Currently, only residents living in 26 mainland cities are allowed to travel independently to Taiwan. They include Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen. Zhang says the Chinese government is considering increasing the number of cities on that list.

Over a million independent tourists from the Chinese mainland have visited Taiwan since a total restriction on independent travel was lifted in June 2011.

This is the 6th Cross Strait Forum. Delegates hope to establish a number of programs and events that will encourage cultural exchanges between both sides. They’re particularly aiming at setting up more grass-roots exchanges between young people.

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  • 俞正声 第六届
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