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肯尼亚遭袭48人死亡Somali rebel group Al-Shabaab says it carried out Sunday night's deadlyattack near a top Kenyan tourist resort. Gunmen swept into the coastal town ofMpeketoni, near Lamu - and killed at least 48 people.


Somali rebel group Al-Shabaab says it carried out Sunday night's deadly attack near a top Kenyan tourist resort. Gunmen swept into the coastal town of Mpeketoni, near Lamu - and killed at least 48 people. Al-Shabaab says it was in revenge for what they say is the "brutal oppression of Muslims in Kenya" - and for Kenya’s military incursion in Somalia. It’s warned tourists and foreigners to stay away - declaring Kenya a war zone.


Kenya police observe the remains of burnt-out cars at a police station in Mpeketoni, Lamu county on June 16, 2014 after some 50 heavily-armed gunmen attacked the town near the coastal island and popular tourist resort of Lamu the night before.

The single deadliest attack in Kenya since the siege of the Westgate Mall.The first twitter alerts had gone out from terrified residents early Sunday evening. But it was at least eight hours before security forces retook the town.

"There was some delay in terms of response, though we cannot blame it much on the police because they also never knew where to attack them from." Lamu County Deputy Governor Eric Mugo said.

Somali militants Al-Shabaab were the prime suspects - according to the military at least. But the minister in charge of Kenya’s security is not so sure. Joseph Ole Lenku says recent domestic political rivalry could be the motive.

"We don’t rule it out and therefore we are saying will come back shortly to tell Kenyans who did this because we must bring to book the perpetrators of this activity . Those who are openly inciting the public and we know them and see it in public domain we are telling them Kenya is bigger than individuals." Joseph Ole Lenku with Cabinet Secretary For Interior said.

He again urged political rivals not to inflame tensions.

"The red line has now been crossed."

And he pointed the finger at former prime minister, Raila Odinga.

"His history is a book Kenyans have seen, read and know therefore it’s not me to say because its in public domain." Joseph Ole Lenku said.

Joseph ole Lenku offered no evidence to back his allegations. That’s likely to do little to reassure anxious Kenyans - but it’s almost guaranteed to fuel already boiling political tensions.

Odinga could not be reached for comment. But he has been trying to call Kenyans onto the streets in recent days - to force the government to talk to him.

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