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环太平洋军演中国军队即将登场China's navy will be part of the worlds largest international maritimewarfare drill for the first time ever. In a press conference after a welcomingand opening ceremony, more details of the mo


China's navy will be part of the world’s largest international maritime warfare drill for the first time ever. In a press conference after a welcoming and opening ceremony, more details of the month long biennial war games have been revealed.

The 2014 RIMPAC is officially on, after the U.S. Navy held a welcoming ceremony for the participants of the month long multinational naval drill

A total of 22 nations will take part in this year’s drill, which is organized by the US navy.

U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Harry Harris emphasized the importance of the drill at a press conference after the opening ceremony.

"Mutual trust and open communication are critical but very challenging to build. That’s why multilateral exercises like RIMPAC are so important. It helps us work together effectively in real war events like the recent search for the Malaysian airliner or in response to the devastating typhoon that hit our allies in the Philippines last November. Friends help friends. And often the fastest response to crises comes from the sea. Capable maritime forces matter to all nations," Harris said.

The Chinese fleet will join the drill for the first time, taking part in events which include missile launching, maritime security operations, surface warship maneuvers, military medicine exchanges, humanitarian rescue and disaster relief.

The excerises will reflect possible common challenges faced by China, the U.S. and other countries along the Pacific Rim.

The Chinese navy also hopes to deepen mutual understanding and cooperation and enhance military transpancy.

"First, we want to promote healthy and stable developments for the new Sino-U.S. military relationship. Secondly, we would like to strengthen technical interactions and deepen cooperation in all fields in both countries’ navies. We also want to show the Chinese navy’s positive attitude in maintaining world peace and promoting regional security and stability," Zhao Xiaogang, drill director with Chinese Naval Fleet, said.

A Chinese fleet with about 1,100 soldiers and officers will take part in the RIMPAC naval exercise.

The fleet is composed of a missile destroyer, frigate, supply ship and hospital ship as well as a commando unit, diving squad and medical team.

The biennial event was first held in 1971, and after 43 years, has grown to be the largest of its sort worldwide.






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  • 太平洋 中国军队
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