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加拿大总理特鲁多送给李克强的特殊礼物周二,与加拿大总理特鲁多紫禁城会晤的时候,李克强总理获赠了一份特殊的礼物一块43年前打造的纪念白求恩大夫的纪念章。A memorial medal, made 43 years ago honoring the work of an inspirationa



A memorial medal, made 43 years ago honoring the work of an inspirational doctor, was presented to Premier Li Keqiang by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when they met in the Forbidden City on Tuesday.


"I am honored to present Premier Li Keqiang a memorial medal of Norman Bethune, which was made in 1973 during my father's visit to China," Trudeau said on WeChat.

The Canadian physician Bethune was well-known and widely respected in China. He has been seen as symbolizing friendship between the two countries for treating wounded Chinese soldiers and sick villagers against Japanese invaders during World War II.

Trudeau is on an eight-day visit to China, including three and a half days in Beijing. He will also go to Shanghai and Hong Kong and will attend the G20 summit in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province.

In 1973, his father Pierre Trudeau was the first Canadian prime minister to visit Beijing, three years after the establishment of diplomatic ties. He also visited the Forbidden City.

Pierre Trudeau made 50 medals of Norman Bethune and presented two of them to Chairman Mao Zedong and former Premier Zhou Enlai.

Trudeau also posted pictures of his trip to Beijing, including meeting with entrepreneurs and the moment when he presented the medal.

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