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中国愿意在各领域尤其是生产力和投资方面加强与老挝的双赢合作,李克强总理周四说。VIENTIANE -- China is willing to strengthen win-win cooperation with Laos in various areas, particularly in production capacity and investment


VIENTIANE -- China is willing to strengthen win-win cooperation with Laos in various areas, particularly in production capacity and investment, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Thursday.

During his talks with Laotian president Bounnhang Vorachit, Li, who is on an official visit to the landlocked Asian country, expressed China's readiness to push ahead with major projects in Laos, including the China-Laos railway, economic zones and hydroelectric projects.

Li also called for closer cooperation in such areas as education and tourism, saying that China and Laos are facing new opportunities for future cooperation.

China, with a traditional friendship with Laos, would like to promote their high-level contacts, share their experiences in the governance of their respective countries and deepen pragmatic cooperation, he said.

The premier recalled that the two sides have always respected, treated equally with and supported each other since they established diplomatic relations 55 years ago.

Bounnhang, for his part, praised Li's visit as a move to further consolidate the traditional friendship and inject new vigor into the China-Laos comprehensive strategic partnership.

Bounnhang lauded Laos' closer ties with China at all levels and in the fields such as economy, culture and national defense, adding that bilateral cooperation in key projects in such as areas as railway and aerospace are of historic significance.

Bounnhang appreciated China's support for Laos in hosting the just-concluded East Asia Summit and vowed to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership with China by following the principle of "good neighbors, good friends, good partners and good brothers."

Li also held talks with National Assembly President Pany Yathotou on Thursday, saying exchanges between the legislatures of the two countries are an important component in their comprehensive strategic partnership.

Li is on an official visit to Laos after attending the summit in Vientiane.

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