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埃及议员:本国男子性能力差 女性应受割礼减性欲

导读:埃及一名立法者称,因本国男子性能力普遍较弱,无法满足女性要求,因此女性都应该接受割礼。An Egyptian lawmaker has insisted women should undergo genital mutilation because the countrys men are sexually weak - and cannot


埃及议员:本国男子性能力差 女性应受割礼减性欲

An Egyptian lawmaker has insisted women should undergo genital mutilation because the country’s men are sexually weak - and cannot meet increased demand in the bedroom.


Elhamy Agina argued in favour of the brutal practice claiming it would succeed in reducing ’sexual desires’ of women in Egypt.

Elhamy Agina是这种残暴行为的坚定支持者,他认为这样可以成功降低埃及女性的“性欲”。

The politician said Egypt’s population of men suffered from ’sexual weakness’ claiming the country was ’among the biggest consumers of sexual stimulants that only the weak will consume’.


He added: ’If we stop FGM, we will need strong men and we don’t have men of that sort.’


He said it was therefore better for women to undergo FGM ’to reduce a woman’s sexual appetite’ - an act, he argued, that would encourage women to ’stand by their man’.


Last month, Egypt’s government said it would ask parliament to approve a draft law that would increase jail terms for those who perform female circumcision.


Female circumcision, or female genital mutilation, was banned in Egypt in 2008.


But the practice involving the partial or full removal of the external sex organs, ostensibly to control women’s sexuality, remains widespread, especially in rural areas.


Under the current law, those who practise FGM can be sentenced to jail terms of between three months and two years.


But the bill which the government hopes parliament will endorse would see those convicted of female circumcision jailed for between five and seven years, a statement from the prime minister’s office said.


The government also proposes that those convicted be given jail terms with hard labour if the procedure leads to the death or permanent physical disability of the women being circumcised.


FGM can cause lifelong pain, including extreme discomfort during sexual intercourse, serious complications during childbirth and psychological trauma.


Activists say the campaign to end the practice may have suffered a setback with the 2011 overthrow of president Hosni Mubarak, whose regime imposed the ban.

活动分子称,Hosni Mubarak总统在位期间,明令禁止实施割礼,而他的政权在2011年时被推翻,因此如今终结这种行为的运动可能要遭到很大的挫折。

Some Islamists argued that the ban was a legacy of his autocratic rule which should not be enforced.


The government bill also calls for anyone who forces a female to undertake the procedure to be jailed for between one and three years.


In May, an Egyptian teenager who had undergone FGM died of complications.


Her mother, the doctor who carried out the procedure and two other people have been accused of ’involuntary manslaughter’ and are to face trial.

她的母亲、实施割礼的医生还有另外两名人员被指控“过失杀人罪 ”,即将接受裁决。

FGM is also practised in a number of other African countries as well as in parts of the Middle East, and is usually carried out by women.


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