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Do you have shoppingexperience in an unattended store where you can pay without cash?Recently, an unattended store was established near the Changyang Street of Shanghai, east China. Many netizens thought it could hi

Do you have shopping experience in an unattended store where you can pay without cash?

Recently, an unattended store was established near the Changyang Street of Shanghai, east China. Many netizens thought it could hit the convenience store industry. Journalists of Youth Daily walked into the store to give it a try on Tuesday.


Registration by smart phone. /Youth Daily Photo‍

Before entering the store, a consumer needs to scan QR code at the door with a mobile phone. After registration is completed, the door will open automatically and will close after the customer enters the store.


Inside the unattended store. /Youth Daily Photo

Snacks and drinks are spread out over wall-mounted shelves and are 10 percent off regular price. 



Smart cashier table. /Youth Daily Photo

After getting the goods, the customer goes to the cashier counter, scan the purchases and make electronic payment. The whole process of buying a bottle of water just needs 10 seconds. 

"When you buy something and pay in cash, you know how long it takes. This unattended store provides a totally different experience," said the manager of a traditional store, adding that if unattended stores get popular, they could change the future of traditional 24-hour convenience stores. 

  • 本文标签:
  • 便利店 新趋势
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