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导读:特朗普与梅拉尼亚再次同台接受《早安美国》采访,一家其乐融融。Donald and Melania Trump did not appear together for an interview after the wave of sexual assault allegations against Trump took over the 2016 election cy



Donald and Melania Trump did not appear together for an interview after the wave of sexual assault allegations against Trump took over the 2016 election cycle. But this morning, with less than two weeks to go until voting day, the still-somehow-civil couple smiled their way through a joint interview for Good Morning America. Regarding the final campaign days, Trump boasted of Melania: "She’s agreed to do two or three speeches." Has she now. Oh!-and that pained smile, Melania got wind of these speeches at the exact same time as George Stephanopoulos.


How deeply uncomfortable. And how similar to what Kellyanne Conway must feel every time Trump opens his mouth.


The GMA interview was a Trump family affair. Stephanopoulos lobbed some questions in the direction of the three eldest Trump offspring, who answered with incomprehension of reality. Donald Jr. spoke repeatedly about who his father is "touching," which is maybe not the best word choice. Ivanka defended her un-politicized advocacy for women and claimed she’s never seen her father fail. Then, when talking about the new Trump Tower in Washington, D.C., the family had a good laugh about their father’s whimsical journey from real estate tycoon to hopeful nominee to candidate:


"I’ve been joking for awhile," Ivanka said, "that when we started even just this project, we said Trump was coming to Pennsylvania Avenue. We didn’t even know at the time what exactly that meant or how foreshadowing a statement that would be."


And chuckles were had by all.


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  • 早安美国
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