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Chen Kun takes lead in Qian Xuesen biopicThe replica black-and-white family photo is taken by Chen Kun's role of young Qian Xuesen together with his wife by actress, Zhang Yuqi, and their two kids. [Photo:New Express Dai

Chen Kun takes lead in Qian Xuesen biopic


 The replica black-and-white family photo is taken by Chen Kun's role of young Qian Xuesen together with his wife by actress, Zhang Yuqi, and their two kids. [Photo:New Express Daily]


 The original family photo of scientist Qian Xuesen.

Some may say young actor Chen Kun is too handsome to play an awesome scientist like Qian Xuesen, but a freshly released picture depicting Chen's portrayal of the role in a biopic has dismissed such doubts.

The replica black-and-white family photo is taken by Chen Kun's role of young Qian Xuesen together with his wife by actress, Zhang Yuqi, and their two kids.

The picture publicized on the microblog has triggered heated discussion among numerous followers, who are stunned by the great resemblance shared by actor Chen and the rocket expert.

Chen Kun has joined the cast of director Zhang Jianya's new film, temporarily titled, "Biopic of Qian Xuesen" and takes the male lead. He is highly acclaimed by the crew to bring out perfectly Qian's pride and feelings of superiority to the role, the New express Daily reports.

Different from films that usually have scientists as side characters, "Qian Xuesen" focuses 90 percent of the filming on the great scientist, spanning a time period from his thirties to sixties. The biopic displays Qian's important contribution to Chinese missile and rocket program and covers much of his love story, as well as family life.

The scientist passed away in Beijing in 2009 at the age of 98.

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