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China announces more humanitarian aid to SyriaChina's foreign minister, Wang Yi has met his Syrian counterpart Walid al-Muallem in Beijing today. Wang announced that China would provide more humanitarian aid for Syri

China announces more humanitarian aid to Syria

China's foreign minister, Wang Yi has met his Syrian counterpart Walid al-Muallem in Beijing today. Wang announced that China would provide more humanitarian aid for Syria and he praised its government for moving towards a resolution to end the conflict there.


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (R) holds talks with Syrian deputy prime minister and foreign minister Walid al-Moallem in Beijing, capital of China, Dec. 24, 2015 (Xinhua/Ding Haitao)

Wang Yi said the visit of the Syrian foreign minister comes at an important juncture. Talks focused on how they could advance the political resolution to the conflict which has torn the country apart since 2011. They agreed on three principles.

"We must remain firmly committed to the direction of seeking a political settlement to the Syrian issue. The future of Syria must be decided by Syrian people. The UN should play its role as the main channel in negotiations. The three principles should be upheld throughout the whole peace process." Wang said.

The UN security Council unanimously approved a resolution endorsing an international road-map for a peace process last Friday.

The UN plans to start peace talks in Geneva next month. And al-Muallem says the Syrian government is ready.

"Syria is ready to participate in the Syrian-Syrian Dialogue in Geneva without any foreign interference and our delegation will be ready as soon as we receive a list of the opposition delegation," Walid said.

China says it will continue to promote peace and negotiations, with an objective and impartial spirit. It will also provide humanitarian assistance to Syria wherever it can.

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