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导读:前不久,美国联合阿富汗对ISIS展开突袭。这次突袭的具体经过是怎样的,又有什么成效呢?(CNN)The ISIS leader in Afghanistan, Sheikh Abdul Hasib, was killed in an April 27 raid conducted by Afghan special security forces a



(CNN)The ISIS leader in Afghanistan, Sheikh Abdul Hasib, was killed in an April 27 raid conducted by Afghan special security forces and US troops, Afghan and US authorities said Sunday.

CNN报道:阿富汗与美国当局于周日称,4月27日,在阿富汗特别警戒部队及美国军队的共同袭击下,ISIS(“伊斯兰国”)在阿富汗的领导人Sheikh Abdul Hasib被击毙。

Fifty US Army rangers and 40 Afghan commandos were dropped by helicopter into Nangarhar Province, within a mile or so of the site where the United States dropped the MOAB, or "mother of all bombs," on April 13.

50名美国陆军突击队员和40名阿富汗突击队员从直升机上降落到楠格哈尔省,而该省距美国在4月13日投下 “炸弹之母”炸弹的地点大约不到一英里。

Within minutes, the rangers were surrounded by heavy fire, the Pentagon said, causing the soldiers to call in support from an AC-130 aircraft, F-16s, drones and Apache helicopters.


The Pentagon said Hasib was the target of the attack, but didn’t confirm his death until Sunday.


The raid also resulted in the deaths of several other high ranking leaders of ISIS-K, the terror group’s regional branch, and 35 ISIS fighters. Two American soldiers died in the attack, perhaps from friendly fire, the Pentagon said.


This is the second ISIS-K emir we have killed in nine months, along with dozens of their leaders and hundreds of their fighters, said general John Nicholson, Commander US Forces - Afghanistan. "For more than two years, ISIS-K has waged a barbaric campaign of death, torture and violence against the Afghan people, especially those in southern Nangarhar."

“这是我们9个月来第二次击杀ISIS的地区领导人,以及几十名他们的领导者和数百名战士,”美军指挥官John Nicholson将军说。“两年多以来,ISIS组织针对阿富汗人民,特别是在南部楠格哈尔省的人民发动了一次残暴的运动,人民饱受折磨,死伤无数。”

In a series of Tweets on Sunday, president Ashraf Ghani’s office confirmed Hasib was killed in the attack.

在周日发表的一系列推特中,Ashraf Ghani总统办公室证实Hasib在战斗中被击毙。

He was responsible for ordering the attack on the 400-bed hospital in Kabul, kidnapped girls and beheaded elders in front of their families, the President’s office said.


The March 8 attack on the hospital, carried out by gunmen disguised as medical personnel, left 30 people dead before Afghan security forces killed the attackers.


CNN’s Ryan Browne and Spencer Feingold contributed to this report.

CNN的Ryan Browne和Spencer Feingold负责了这次报道。

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  • 阿富汗 领导人
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