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化妆神技:美国3岁萝莉化妆成8旬老太 萌呆众人!

The internet is going crazy over pictures of a three-year-old girl who appears to have had a Benjamin Button-style makeover. The girl, called Roey was made up by her aunt who Tweeted out the pictures on Tuesday.一个三岁

化妆神技:美国3岁萝莉化妆成8旬老太 萌呆众人!

The internet is going crazy over pictures of a three-year-old girl who appears to have had a Benjamin Button-style makeover. The girl, called Roey was made up by her aunt who Tweeted out the pictures on Tuesday.


Samantha was babysitting Roey when the youngster saw her artist aunt putting on mascara.


Roey then asked if she could have makeup put on, too.


'Every other time I've done her makeup she's never been satisfied with rosy cheeks and eyeliner.'


'The whole thing took about 6 minutes to do.'


化妆神技:美国3岁萝莉化妆成8旬老太 萌呆众人!

'After snapping multiple pictures of her, I took her over to the mirror to see her new look and she grabbed my hand and started crying!' [/en


[en]'I asked why she was so sad and she said, "Sam! I'm scared!" So we washed it off. Of course half way throw the washing-off process she decided she didn't want to wash it off and she did want to be a scary mad scientist and went about our day,' Samantha said.


Samantha then posted the pictures to Twitter.


'Later that day my phone wouldn't stop blowing up! It was insane, I couldn't believe how much attention she was getting,' Samantha said.'


Twitter users have expressed their amazement with the aged toddler's look, and many have made their own comparisons to Snow White's witch, Pennsatucky from the Netflix series Orange is the New Black and a baby Grinch.


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