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China Post has started selling commemorative stamps for Chinas upcoming Year of the Monkey. In Shanghai, eager collectors have been waiting in line for a week or more.Monkey postage stamps go on saleMonkey postage stamps

China Post has started selling commemorative stamps for China’s upcoming Year of the Monkey. In Shanghai, eager collectors have been waiting in line for a week or more.


Monkey postage stamps go on sale


Monkey postage stamps go on sale

By 10 p.m. Monday, there was already a line up in front of one postal office in Pudong, which began selling the stamps at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday. The first people in line had been waiting for more than a week.

One major reason for people’s enthusiasm is that this year’s Monkey stamp was designed by 91-year-old arts professor Huang Yongyu, who also designed the stamp for the Year of the Monkey 36 years ago. That one is now worth more than 10,000 yuan.

There are three different sets of designs for the Year of the Monkey, each with a face value of 1.2 yuan. This year, people could apply to reserve sets using mobile apps, but they could only buy one set of each design.

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