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CAIRO, Jan. 10 (Xinhua) -- The Arab League (AL) chief accused Iran of provocative acts on Sunday, as Arab foreign ministers discussed the ongoing political feud between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Egyptian state-run Ahram onl

CAIRO, Jan. 10 (Xinhua) -- The Arab League (AL) chief accused Iran of provocative acts on Sunday, as Arab foreign ministers discussed the ongoing political feud between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Egyptian state-run Ahram online reported.


Photo taken on Jan. 10, 2016 shows a general view of the Arab League Foreign Ministers' emergency meeting to discuss the crisis between Saudi Arabia and Iran at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo, Egypt. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)

Al chief Nabil al-Arabi urged the Arab countries to adopt a strong and clear common position, calling on Iran to stop all forms of interference in the affairs of Arab nations.

The AL chief further reiterated that this meeting comes amid dangerous tensions that threat the regional security. The Arab countries stress its solidarity with Saudi Arabia.

Arabi was addressing Arab League foreign ministers who gathered in Cairo for emergency talks requested by Riyadh on the dispute which erupted after Saudi Arabia executed a prominent Shiite cleric, Nimr al-Nimr.

The execution has sent a large number of Iranians to the street, some of whom stormed Saudi diplomatic missions in Tehran and the northeastern city of Mashhad.

Later, Riyadh cut its diplomatic ties with Tehran over the attack on its embassy, while many of Gulf Arab countries either followed suit or downgraded their relations with Iran.

During the meeting, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al Jubeir affirmed that his country will stand firmly against Iran's interference in Arabs' internal affairs.

This is also the responsibility of the Arab League, in light of its goals of protecting the Arab nation and preserving the security of the Arab counties, he added.

Jubeir said Saudi Arabia would consider further actions against Iran after cutting diplomatic and commercial ties, adding that the spat, however, wound not affect the efforts to end the war in Syria.

The Arab foreign ministers, including those of Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, condemned the attacks on the Saudi embassy and consulate in Iran earlier, and rejected Iran's interference in Saudi Arabia's internal affairs and in any other Arab country.

Tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia have lasted for decades in the Middle East region. The Saudi Shiite cleric's execution has further intensified the rivalry.

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