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导读:纪录片《改变世界的中国植物》正式开拍,讲述中国植物的故事,两年后的世园会上将播出,让我们期待吧!The Journey of Chinese Plants, Chinas first documentary to tell stories of Chinese plants and their connection to the w



The Journey of Chinese Plants, China’s first documentary to tell stories of Chinese plants and their connection to the world, was announced to begin shooting in the Beijing Botanical Garden on April 17.

《改变世界的中国植物》,中国第一部讲述中国的植物和他们与世界的联系的纪录片,于 4月17日宣布在北京植物园正式开拍。

"There are about 300,000 advanced plants in the world, 10 percent of which grow in China," said Li Chengcai, director of the documentary. "The documentary aims to tell how Chinese plants moved, grew and became known in other countries based on important historic events and stories of plant lovers."


His team will visit New Zealand to find out how Chinese kiwi fruit developed a new look there, to Japan to learn how Chinese tea became an important element of Japanese culture, and to figure out how the United States taught the world the nutritional value of Chinese beans, according to Li.


They will shoot in the famous botanical gardens and nature reserves around the world, interview botanists and record the growing cycle of plants frame-by-frame in greenhouse, he said.


The documentary has 10 episodes, each 50 minutes long, and is expected reach the silver screen at the opening ceremony of the International Horticultural Exhibition, to be held in Beijing from April 29 to October 7 in 2019.


During the 162-day event, plants originating in China and spread throughout the world over 5,000 years will be displayed, and the whole industrial chain of the production, processing, circulation and purchase will be discussed, said Zhou Jianping, standing deputy director of the Beijing World Horticultural Expo Coordination Bureau.


"Different from former expos which mainly focused on the introduction of plants from around the world, this time the event is expected to show China’s contribution to the world’s horticulture," Zhou said.


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