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首个中华春节吉祥物发布 “年娃”“春妮”英文报道

For the first time, the Chinese lunar New Year is to get official mascots. Nian Wa and Chun Ni - meaning New Year Boy and Spring Maiden are two mythical beings regarded as symbols of good luck and happiness.Chinese lunar

For the first time, the Chinese lunar New Year is to get official mascots. "Nian Wa" and "Chun Ni" - meaning "New Year Boy" and "Spring Maiden" are two mythical beings regarded as symbols of good luck and happiness.

首个中华春节吉祥物发布 “年娃”“春妮”英文报道

Chinese lunar New Year gets official mascots

The China International Culture exchange association started soliciting designs for a New-Year symbol in early 2014 and chose these from more than 2,000 applications. The figures also symbolize a balance of "Yin" and "Yang", and the patterns on their costume – a bat, and two fish, respectively – are auspicious signs of longevity and prosperity in Chinese folklore.

On the same day, China Post also released a collection of commemorative stamps featuring the two mascots. This year, the Chinese New Year falls on February the 8th.

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  • 吉祥物
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