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五一小长假迎旅游高峰 “蜘蛛侠”们更忙了

Cleaner Guo Youshun clears off garbage on a cliff at the Red-stone Gorge of Yuntai Mountain scenic spot in Jiaozuo, Central China's Henan province, April 28, 2017. Like Spidermen, cleaners here have to climb up and d

五一小长假迎旅游高峰 “蜘蛛侠”们更忙了

Cleaner Guo Youshun clears off garbage on a cliff at the Red-stone Gorge of Yuntai Mountain scenic spot in Jiaozuo, central China's Henan province, April 28, 2017. Like "Spidermen", cleaners here have to climb up and down the mountain to pick up rubbish left by tourists. Helped by two security staff members, a "Spiderman" has his waist tied with a rope and collects trash with tongs or broom. Even a small piece of paper will be picked up. These "Spidermen" are getting busier lately as a tourist peak comes.[Photo/Xinhua]


五一小长假迎旅游高峰 “蜘蛛侠”们更忙了

Cleaner Guo Youshun clears off garbage on a cliff at the Red-stone Gorge of Yuntai Mountain scenic spot in Jiaozuo, Central China's Henan province, April 28, 2017. Like "Spidermen", cleaners here have to climb up and down the mountain to pick up rubbish left by tourists. Helped by two security staff members, a "Spiderman" has his waist tied with a rope and collects trash with tongs or broom. Even a small piece of paper will be picked up. These "Spidermen" are getting busier lately as a tourist peak comes.[Photo/Xinhua]


五一小长假迎旅游高峰 “蜘蛛侠”们更忙了

Cleaner Guo Youshun shows callus in his palm due to gripping rope for years to clear off garbage on a cliff at the Red-stone Gorge of Yuntai Mountain scenic spot in Jiaozuo, Central China's Henan province, April 28, 2017.[Photo/Xinhua]

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  • 蜘蛛侠 Cleaner
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