

英国新闻社周一报道,2017年,英国国会平均一天就有160次访问黄色网站的记录。?Around 160 requests a day were made in late 2017 to access pornography websites from computers within the Houses of Parliament, Britains Press As


导读:如今数百名警察正在努力确认该男子的动机,以及相关的同伙。IS声称对此袭击负责,该事件让英国民众惶惶不安。The man who killed four people outside Britains Parliament was in Saudi Arabia three times and taught English the


导读:彪悍人生不需解释!英国少年小学毕业直接读大学,14岁的他更是成为了最年轻大学老师!He may be younger than their children but one of Britains brainiest children has been hired by a university to help adults with their s


导读:英国威廉王子和他的妻子凯特在17日和18日访问巴黎,这是在威廉的母亲戴安娜在巴黎车祸中死亡20周年之前几个月正式访问巴黎。Britains Prince William and his wife Kate will pay an official visit to Paris on Friday and Saturda


导读:当大家拭目以待,英国会不会真的脱欧时,欧洲内部国家,却因为单词Brexit的阴阳性闹得不可开交。所以,它到底是阴是阳呢?The EU may be agreed on its response to Britains vote to leave, but on one key question it remains di


导读:英国拟签订激光武器研发合约,星战激光武器或于两年内问世Britains Ministry of Defense (MOD) confirmed Sunday it is finalizing a contract worth almost 40 million US dollars to develop the countrys first laser weapons fo


CCTV9英语新闻:伦敦切尔西花展开幕A secret garden and model erupting volcano are among the main attractions of this years Chelsea Flower Show, Britains premier gardening show which is enticing royalty and celebrities alik

脱欧后英国经济急剧下降 这么作你们悔了吗?

Britain's decision to leave the EU has led to a dramaticdeterioration in economic activity, not seen since theaftermathof the financial crisis.英国脱欧已导致经济活动急剧恶化,其严重程度为金融危机余波以来之最。Data fr


CCTV9英语新闻:苏格兰会脱离英国吗?英国脱欧这一决定,影响深远,其中就包括将来苏格兰与英国的关系。Britains decision to leave the European Union has far-reaching consequences -- one of which is the shape of future rel

商场移除试衣镜 因其降低购买欲

导读:一项新的研究表明,试衣镜使得顾客对自己的身材更在意,因此英国一些最大的购物中心正在移除试衣间里的镜子。Mirrors are being removed from changing rooms in some of Britains biggest shopping centres after new research rev


导读:英国脱欧尘埃落定,中日韩三方反应不一。Britains decision to leave the European Union drew mixed reactions from Beijing, Tokyo and Seoul.英国脱欧尘埃落定,中日韩三方反应不一。During a press briefing on Friday Chi


一场关于海产品的愚蠢争论暴露了英国脱欧面临的问题。。。A silly spat about seafood shows the sort of compromises that Brexit will force.一场关于海产品的愚蠢争论暴露了英国脱欧面临的问题。Britains fishing industry is a tiddl

乔治小王子管女王太奶奶叫“甘甘” 祖母说法知多少

While the rest of us would curtsy and formally call Britains Queen Elizabeth, Your Majesty, little Prince George has a more informal name for her. The chubby-cheeked toddler, who turns 3 this summer, has quite the close


European Council President Donald Tusk, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, US President Donald Trump, Britains Prime Minister Theresa May, Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, Fre

UK expected to loosen visa policy for Chinese

Britains Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond begins two days of talks with Chinas Foreign Minister Wang Yi today. A liberalized visa regime is on their agenda. It is expected Hammond will announce the start of a new two-yea
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