









Antarctica is supposed to be an extremely cold place. The annual mean temperature of the snow-laden continent's central area is -57 degrees Celsius (70.6F); even the coast averages around -10C (14F).南极应该是极寒之


Climate experts stationed at an Argentine research base in a northern part of Antarctica have just logged the highest temperature on record for the typically frozen continent.南极洲北部阿根廷研究基地驻扎的气候专家刚刚记


当地时间16日下午,一架中国商用飞机着陆在南极洲狼牙机场跑道上,这是中国商用飞机首次飞抵南极洲。The airplane, carrying 22 passengers, is set to fly over the continent for about five hours before landing near the South Pole

China embarks on 33rd Antarctic expedition

Chinese scientists have begun their 33rd scientific expedition to Antarctica, the worlds least explored continent.Team members of research vessel and icebreaker Xuelong (Snow Dragon) say goodbye at a Shanghai dock, east

优步和滴滴正在囤积粮草 准备决战

两家叫车服务平台过去一年都筹集了数百亿美元资金。If you listen closely, you might be able to hear something that sounds like the continents shifting and grinding together, deep under the earths crust. Is there an earthqua

DPRK announces successful test of intercontinental ballistic

The DPRK says it has successfully tested out an engine designed for an inter-continental ballistic missile. It claims to guarantee an eventual nuclear strike on the United States.The DPRK's state media, KCNA, has rep

New missile a more mobile deterrent

The People's Liberation Army Rocket Force has improved its strategic deterrence capability, thanks to the service of a new missile.The DF-31AG, an enhanced version of the DF-31A intercontinental ballistic missile, is

EU makes Turkey migrant offer, no deal yet

European leaders have agreed to a common position put to the Turkish prime minister, in a bid to clinch a deal to tackle the continent's worst migration crisis since World War II.The 28 states spent the day haggling


China published its first white paper on its Antarctic explorations on Monday, pledging to boost its capabilities in the exploration and study of the continent.The paper says China will build a new permanent station and

Africa aims for continental free trade area

An ambitious vision for a continental free trade area that forms a single market across Africa may still be a long way off. A deal to create such a market to ultimately link all of Africa's 54 states and allow for ea

US deploys more Patriot missile systems in S. Korea

South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reports the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has formed a new military unit, to deploy the road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile KN-08.The news agency cited sources
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