




  • 1、

    Some people looking after elderly parents have trouble with the role reversal involved.


  • 2、

    The elderly relative had died of old age.


  • 3、

    The lack of facilities for elderly people has cast doubts on the whole of the redevelopment scheme.


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    In China, with the advent of an aging society, the issue of providing for the elderly has received widespread attention. The most talked-about issue is what kind of pension model should be adopted.


    Our Student Union recently organized a volunteer activity to assist elderly residents in our community. The activity, which took place on Saturday, saw over 200 student volunteers participating, including students from different grades and departments.


    Our school’s Student Union recently organized a volunteer activity aimed at providing assistance to elderly residents in our neighborhood. A group of dedicated students gathered at the community center on Saturday morning, ready to lend a helping hand.

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