





Starting June 12, Hollywood can resume film and TV production, California governor Gavin Newsom announced over the weekend. While shoots are still subject to approval by public health officials, this opens the door for t


封锁禁令没解除,婚姻登记机构不开门,可就是想跟另一半结婚怎么办?纽约州州长的答复是:在网上结!纽约州新颁布的行政令允许人们在网上通过视频来远程登记结婚。Photo by Beatriz Prez Moya on UnsplashNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo h


导读:由于警察枪击平民事件,暴力示威持续,北卡罗来纳州州长已经宣布夏洛特进入紧急状态,并派驻了国民警卫队。The governor of North Carolina has declared a state of emergency in the city of Charlotte, sending in the National


导读:根据出口民调,日本前防卫大臣小池百合子确定当选为东京首位女性都知事。Former Japanese Defence Minister Yuriko Koike looks set to be elected as the Japanese capitals first woman governor, exit polls project.根据出口民

Spotlight: Turkey wedding blast turns paradise into hell wit

ANKARA, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) -- At least 50 people were killed and 94 wounded when a blast hit an outdoor wedding celebration in the southern Turkish province of Gaziantep on Saturday night, the Gaziantep Governor's offi

积重难返 里约奥运或面临巨大失败

With just a few weeks left until the start of the 2016 Olympics, Brazil is still suffering from serious economic problems.2016年奥运会还有数周就要开幕,但巴西依然被严重的经济问题困扰着。The acting governor of Rio de Jane

奥运资金短缺 巴西里约热内卢宣布进入公共灾难状态

Just seven weeks before the opening ceremony of the Olympics, the governor of Rio de Janeiro has declared a state of calamity.距离巴西奥运会开幕只剩7周,而巴西里约热内卢州州长却宣布进入公共灾难状态。Interim Governor Fran


中国计划在周一任命新的央行行长,此举表明北京将继续进行金融改革,以控制债务规模并保持经济增长。US-educated economist Yi Gang has been named the next governor of Chinas central bank, the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC).受过美

Zhou Xiaochuan pushes green finance at G20 meeting

Governor of China's Central Bank Zhou Xiaochuan has stressed that green finance is a key agenda pushed by China this year and that the financial system should play an imperative role in the transition to a green econ


Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chief Executive Norman Chan (2nd L), People's Bank of China Deputy Governor Pan Gongsheng (2nd R) and Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam (R) attend the launching ceremony of Bond Connec


美国政界也不干净,美国密苏里州州长格雷滕斯被圣路易斯市大陪审团指控犯有侵犯隐私罪。Missouri Governor Eric Greitens has been indicted by a St. Louis grand jury on a felony charge of invasion of privacy.美国密苏里州州长格雷

G20 nations pledge all policy tools to lift growth

The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors held meeting in Shanghai to discuss ways to boost global economic growth and minimize risks. Saturday marks the last day of the 2-day meeting.SHANGHAI, Feb. 27, 2016 (


The G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting has opened in Shanghai. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered avideo message at the opening ceremony, saying that major economies should be mindful of the spill
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