

On October 23, 2018, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the formal opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge at the opening ceremony held in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province.


导读:据媒体报道,目前中山大学已经实施了限外令,此举引发了人们关于大学校园是否应该对所有人开放的讨论。SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY in Guangzhou, South Chinas Guangdong province, has reportedly started denying residents access t


导读:星期三,广东省一中学宣布禁止男女间一系列接触,在遭到当地居民和社交媒体的强烈抵制后,将停止此前的一条限制男女生交往的禁令。A middle school in Qingyuan, Guangdong province, is amending a set of rules that restrict a w


导读:2016年中国GDP超3万亿人民币的省份达到了9个,其中广东、江苏和山东等省份的GDP甚至比一些世界经济强国还要多。Southern Chinas Guangdong province has cemented its position as the countrys largest provincial economy for the


导读:2016中国各省份经济报告近日出炉,广东一如既往是中国经济最强省份,2016年GDP达到了7.9万亿人民币,重庆则以10.7%的经济增长率成为增长最为迅速的省级地区。South Chinas Guangdong province has cemented its position as the cou


导读:房价如此之高,是买房过上安稳的生活?还是租房享受高品质的生活?这是中国年轻人普遍面临的问题。When Zhou Yang, 26, wakes up in her Scandinavian-styled, two-bedroom home in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, and cooks break


导读:深圳大力推进高等教育供给侧结构性改革,努力建成高教中心。Shenzhen in south Chinas Guangdong Province intends to reinvent itself as a center of higher education within the next 10 years.中国南方广东省深圳市有意在未来1


导读:公车搭载新型安全逃生系统,一键应急,同时开启9个逃生通道 ,妈妈再也不用担心我的安全了GUANGZHOU - A bus featuring a new security system debuted in south Chinas Guangdong province on Friday to make it easier for passen

大学拒向同性恋学生发毕业证 75000人要求公开道歉

导读:广东一大学竟然拒绝向同性恋学生颁发毕业证,理由是这对女同高调求婚。国际同性恋团体提交请愿书,要求该校向两位学生道歉。An international LGBT group has submitted a petition asking a Guangdong-based university to apologi


台风妮妲致使22,000多人被紧急疏散台风妮妲周二凌晨登陆深圳,给中国南部广东省带来了28亿余元的直接经济损失。In south Chinas Guangdong province, Typhoon Nida has caused direct economic losses of more than 280 million yuan (U.

Guangdong initiates emergency measures to cope with Nida

Authorities in Guangdong province have activated emergency measures on Monday to cope with potential damages from Typhoon Nida.Fishing boats take refuge at a harbor in Yangjiang, Guangdong province, on Aug 1. (Photo/Nanf

Loans to SMEs reach 1.66 trln yuan in February

Today marks the one year anniversary of the founding of China's free trade zones in Guangdong, Tianjin and Fujian. To mark the occasion, we'll recap the achievements made in the trade zones over the past year beg

Guangdong FTZ, one year on

April 21 marks one year since the Guangdong Free Trade Zone was set up. The zone consists of three hubs in the province, and in the cities of Guangzhou, Zhuhai and Shenzhen. By the end of last year, the Free Trade Zones

台风帕卡登陆广东 中国启动黄色预警

China's National Meteorological Center (NMC) issued a yellow alert for Typhoon Pakhar Sunday morning, as it has made landfall on the coast of Guangdong Province.China has a four-tier color-coded system for severe wea


S China doctor stabbed; suspect commits suicide退休医生被曾经病人追砍30多刀导读:昨日,广东一医生在家中被砍,生命垂危。据悉,凶手曾是医生25年前的病人,并有精神病史。A retired doctor in south Chinas Guangdong Province was
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