


v.提供,供给,供应( provide的第三人称单数 );规定;提供[(+for)];装备;


  • 1、

    The snowcoach concept in Yellowstone provides low-impact, low-pollution access.


  • 2、

    The plant provides forty per cent of the country's electricity.


  • 3、

    The law provides for a maximum of two years in prison.


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    1、hobby 兴趣例句: What are your hobbies?你的兴趣是什么?2、entertainment 娱乐例句: The internet provides endless forms of entertainment.互联网提供了无尽的娱乐形式。


    Friendship is one of the most valuable relationships in life. It provides a sense of belonging and happiness. Here are some of the powerful benefits of friendship.


    1.花 - Flower例句:The blooming flower is very beautiful.盛开的花朵非常美丽。2.树 - Tree例句:The tree provides shade for people to rest under.这棵树为人们休息提供了阴凉处。


    The ocean is crucial to our planet, covering over 70% of the world's surface. It provides food, oxygen, and invaluable resources while regulating our climate.


    Are you interested in gardening? Gardening is a great hobby that not only brings beauty to your home but also provides numerous health benefits. If you are a beginner gardener, here are some helpful tips to get you started.


    Summer Camp is a fun and educational experience for teenagers. It provides an opportunity to engage in a variety of activities in a safe and supervised environment. I participated in a week-long summer camp and had a great time.


    The two-day weekend brings several benefits to college students. It provides a much-needed break from academic responsibilities, allowing us to relax and recharge.


    London-based GABA Labs is working on a type of synthetic alcohol called ‘Alcarelle’ which reportedly provides the relaxing effects of alcohol without hangovers, balance deficiencies or any of its other negative side effects.总部位于伦敦的GABA实验室正


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