

This chilling poster of Lionel Messi crying blood is being used in a campaign of terror by ISIS supporters to threaten to next years World Cup in Russia.这张显示利昂内尔.梅西血泣的吓人海报正被伊斯兰国支持者们用于一场恐怖


Three ISIS militants were mauled to death by a herd of wild boar moments after committing a massacre.ISIS(Islamic State of Iraq and al Shams,缩写:ISIS)的武装分子在进行一场大屠杀后被一群野猪袭击致死。Five other terroris


导读:极端组织伊斯兰国通过其宣传机构宣布,对于当地时间19日晚发生在德国首都柏林的圣诞集市卡车袭击案负责。A soldier of the Islamic State group carried out a truck attack that killed 12 people at a Berlin Christmas market, a

美国土耳其加强合作 共同打击伊斯兰国

导读:美国国防部长阿什卡特与土耳其总统雷杰普塔伊普埃尔多安会见后,决定加强军事合作,共同打击伊斯兰国。U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Friday discussed the need to increase mili


导读:伊斯兰国持续猖狂,为了巩固其统治,不惜将魔爪伸向了学龄男孩。A blonde boy is forced to execute an ISIS prisoner with a handgun in a horrific propaganda video released by the terrorist group last night.昨晚恐怖组织发

孩子失踪三年 英国男子在伊斯兰国宣传视频中认出儿子

导读:三年未见自己的亲生骨肉,也甚是思念。可是,不幸的是,近日英国一男子在伊斯兰国的宣传视频中认出了自己的儿子。少年已成伊斯兰国行刑者,而对他洗脑的竟然是自己的母亲 Thats my child! Father says blue-eyed British boy killer

IS声称杀害人质 外交部回应

IS声称杀害人质 外交部回应据路透社报道,伊斯兰国(ISIS)组织新闻社称该组织杀死了上月24日在巴基斯坦西南部的俾路支省绑架的两名中国公民。中国外交部发言人华春雨周五表示,上月巴基斯坦被绑架的两名中国公民可能已经死亡,并称将继

英国再遭恐袭 IS宣称对此负责

英国再遭恐袭IS宣称对此负责所谓的伊斯兰国(IS)宣城对周六发生的论调恐袭事件负责,英国媒体周日报道。LONDON - The so-called Islamic State (IS) has claimed responsibility for Saturday's London attack, British media repor

“伊斯兰国”推行焦土政策 撤离时点燃油井贻害无穷

导读:由于伊斯兰国在撤离时点燃了盖亚拉的油井,该地区居民生活已经被石油燃烧产生的黑烟严重污染,威胁甚至不亚于极端分子占据该镇时期。Al-Qayyara, Iraq (CNN)We cover the children at night when they sleep, said Khalil. His hand


导读:美军对利比亚境内伊斯兰国发动空袭,是人道主义援助还是越帮越忙?The United States has carried out air strikes on positions of so-called Islamic State (IS) in Libya, following a request by the UN-backed government ther


导读:以美国为首的联军,用飞机轰炸了Falluja,至少有250名极端分子死亡。WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S.-led coalition aircraft waged a series of deadly strikes against Islamic State around the city of Falluja on Wednesday, U.S.


导读:黑客激进组织Anonymous已入侵与所谓伊斯兰国家(IS)有关的Twitter账户并用其发布大量同性恋自豪信息。Hacker-activist group Anonymous has broken into Twitter accounts linked to so-called Islamic State (IS) and flooded the


导读:巴黎附近杀害警察的恐怖分子,是遵从伊斯兰国(IS)杀害异教徒的指令,官方说。The man who killed a French police couple at their home near Paris was acting on an order from so-called Islamic State (IS) to kill infidels,

情报官员 伊斯兰国在索马里扩充势力

Pro-Islamic State Somali militants have grown in numbers and are receiving financial and military support from Yemen, a Somali top intelligence official told the VOA Somali Service.索马里一名高层情报官员告诉美国之音索马

双语:美国向伊斯兰国宣战 多国助阵

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough on Sunday dismissed accusations that the Obama administration is waffling over whether the United States is indeed at war with Islamic State, saying the administration has been
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