

人们在日常生活和每日聊天的对话中总会用到俚语,能掌握一些地道的俚语表达,并将这些表达应用到口语中,定会为你的回答增色不少。下面给大家整理出了一些与“吃”有关的地道俚语,快来看看你了解多少?1.To put all your eggs in one bas

实用口语:问别人怎么了 你只会what's up或者what's wrong?

我们平时问别人怎么了通常用what's up或者what's wrong,事实上相似的表达还有很多,下面这些也是老外常用的说法。Sup? (short slang version of what’s up)咋啦?(What's up简短的俚语版本)Howdy?你好?How’s it going?进展



英语中,有关talk的趣味俚语。“big talk”是什么意思

'Talk' is a common verb in English which can also be used as a noun. 'Talk' is also used in a wide variety of idiomatic expressions. Listed below you will find an idiom or expression with 'talk' w

关于衣服类的趣味俚语put a sock in it到底什么意思

Idioms are phrases or common expressions which usually have figurative but sometimes also literal meaning. Check out our list of common idioms related to clothes and clothing.习语是指通常具有比喻意义,但有时也具有字面意



有关up和down的俚语,butter up和黄油可没关系!

These are the most common IDIOMS with UP and DOWN used in English:以下是英语中最常用的含有up和down俚语:UP关于up的俚语act up = to misbehave行为不当My son used to act up every day when he was little.我儿子小的时候,每天都

包含运动的商业俚语,kick off真的是“踢”的意思吗?

When doing business with Native Speakers of English you will hear a lot of metaphors and idiomatic expressions used. They can relate to all sorts of areas like war, fire, health.当和母语为英语的人做生意时,你会听到他们使


英语中最常用的商业俚语16句1. go places (在社会上等)成功; 有成就Once I'm qualified in my profession I intend to go places.一旦我有资格从事自己的职业,我就想获得成功。We have very reason to expect him to go places in b


15. GET A SECOND WIND15.缓过劲来Have a sudden burst of energy after being tired.疲劳过后,恢复能量。I was exhausted after the 10th mile of running, but I got a second wind after I saw the sign for the final lap.跑完10英


在英美国家,俚语运用十分广泛。下面这些与运动有关的俚语,你都知道吗?1. PULL OUT ALL THE STOPS1.全力以赴Used when someone does everything they can possibly do to achieve the result they want.使用全部力量促成某事。Im deter


72. CLOCK IN / CLOCK OUT72.打卡下班This is when you record the time you arrive or leave your job to show the number of hours that you have worked.记录上班时间和下班时间,显示工作时长。I clocked in a little late today, I


30. DAY IN THE SUN30.得到关注It means you get the attention you want and are appreciated.意为着得到了想要的关注或赏识。It felt like a day in the sun today. My manager actually noticed me and praised my work!今天好像一直


1. AROUND THE CLOCK1.日夜不断的If something is open around the clock, it means it is open 24 hours a day.AROUND THE CLOCK24小时不停歇。The hotel's service is great, there is always someone available to help you aroun


11.To have a crush (on somebody) (verb) To have a crush on somebody is a great feeling and it means that youre attracted to somebody and would like them to be more than just your friend. And if somebody has a crush on yo
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